Exampple.Xmpp.Jid (exampple v0.10.6)

JID stands for Jabber Identification. This is de Identification the XMPP network provide for all of the users, servers and components which can be connected and reachable inside of the XMPP protocol.

This module is a facility to handle JID data helping to parse it and convert it again to string. Provides the ~j sigil which help us to define JIDs in the way ~j[user@domain/res] and be converted into a JID structure.

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JID.t represents the structure in use to handle the identification for a user, component or server inside of a XMPP network. It is formed by the node, server and resource.


A boolean function to determine if the jid passed as parameter is a full JID or not. The parameter could be in binary format or as a JID structure.

Creates a new JID passing node, server and resource data.

Parse a binary to a jid struct.

This sigil help us to define JIDs using a simple format and get their struct representation from binary.

Converts jid to a bare JID in binary format.

Link to this section Types


t() :: %Exampple.Xmpp.Jid{
  node: String.t(),
  original: term(),
  resource: String.t(),
  server: String.t()

JID.t represents the structure in use to handle the identification for a user, component or server inside of a XMPP network. It is formed by the node, server and resource.

Link to this section Functions


is_full?(binary() | t()) :: boolean() | {:error, :enojid}

A boolean function to determine if the jid passed as parameter is a full JID or not. The parameter could be in binary format or as a JID structure.

Remember that a full JID is a JID which has node, domain and resource. Actually is enough if the node is missing, but the resource should appears.


iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.is_full?("alice@example.com")

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.is_full?("comp.example.com/data")

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.is_full?("bob@example.com/res")

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.is_full?("/abc/xyz")
{:error, :enojid}
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new(node, server, resource)


new(node :: binary(), server :: binary(), resource :: binary()) :: t()

Creates a new JID passing node, server and resource data.

Note that XMPP standard says the JID is case insensitive therefore, and to make easier the handle of comparisons, we put everything in downcase mode.


iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.new("foo", "bar", "baz")
%Exampple.Xmpp.Jid{node: "foo", server: "bar", resource: "baz", original: "foo@bar/baz"}

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.new("FOO", "BAR", "BAZ")
%Exampple.Xmpp.Jid{node: "foo", server: "bar", resource: "BAZ", original: "FOO@BAR/BAZ"}


parse(jid :: binary()) :: t() | String.t() | {:error, :enojid}

Parse a binary to a jid struct.


iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.parse("alice@example.com/resource")
%Exampple.Xmpp.Jid{node: "alice", server: "example.com", resource: "resource", original: "alice@example.com/resource"}

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.parse("AlicE@Example.Com/Resource")
%Exampple.Xmpp.Jid{node: "alice", server: "example.com", resource: "Resource", original: "AlicE@Example.Com/Resource"}

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.parse("alice@example.com")
%Exampple.Xmpp.Jid{node: "alice", server: "example.com", original: "alice@example.com"}

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.parse("AlicE@Example.Com")
%Exampple.Xmpp.Jid{node: "alice", server: "example.com", original: "AlicE@Example.Com"}

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.parse("example.com/resource")
%Exampple.Xmpp.Jid{server: "example.com", resource: "resource", original: "example.com/resource"}

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.parse("Example.Com/Resource")
%Exampple.Xmpp.Jid{server: "example.com", resource: "Resource", original: "Example.Com/Resource"}

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.parse("example.com")
%Exampple.Xmpp.Jid{server: "example.com", original: "example.com"}

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.parse("Example.Com")
%Exampple.Xmpp.Jid{server: "example.com", original: "Example.Com"}

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.parse(nil)

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.parse("")

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.parse("/example.com/resource")
{:error, :enojid}
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sigil_j(binary, opts)

This sigil help us to define JIDs using a simple format and get their struct representation from binary.


iex> import Exampple.Xmpp.Jid
iex> ~j[alice@example.com/ios]
%Exampple.Xmpp.Jid{node: "alice", server: "example.com", resource: "ios", original: "alice@example.com/ios"}


to_bare(binary() | t()) :: binary()

Converts jid to a bare JID in binary format.

Examples: iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.to_bare("alice@example.com") "alice@example.com"

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.to_bare("alice@example.com/resource") "alice@example.com"

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.to_bare("example.com") "example.com"

iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Jid.to_bare("example.com/resource") "example.com"