Exampple.Xmpp.Timestamp (exampple v0.10.6)

Module to help us to format correctly the date-times. Most of the times the date-time should appears in ISO-8601 format with a timezone or in UTC. These helpers add the timestamp removing the microseconds and milliseconds and adding even letting us to add some seconds to the specific time.

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This function let us to show the datetime in ISO-8601 format and as second parameter we add a diff which adds that amount of seconds to the datetime.

This function let us to show the naive datetime in UTC format.

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to_string(datetime, diff)

This function let us to show the datetime in ISO-8601 format and as second parameter we add a diff which adds that amount of seconds to the datetime.


iex> {:ok, ts, 0} = DateTime.from_iso8601("2020-04-30T12:00:00Z")
iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Timestamp.to_string(ts, 3_600)
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This function let us to show the naive datetime in UTC format.


iex> {:ok, ts, 0} = DateTime.from_iso8601("2020-04-30T12:00:00Z")
iex> Exampple.Xmpp.Timestamp.to_utc_string(ts)