View Source Exbitly (Exbitly v0.1.0)

Exbitly's main module. You can find all the functions you can use in Exbitly in this module.

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Takes a domain and a long URL and returns the shortened URL. If an error occurs, raises an exception.

Takes a domain and a long URL and returns the shortened URL. If an error occurs, returns the error body.

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shorten!(domain, long_url)

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@spec shorten!(String.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | no_return()

Takes a domain and a long URL and returns the shortened URL. If an error occurs, raises an exception.



  • domain: The domain of the shortened URL.
  • long_url: The long URL to be shortened.



Exbitly.shorten!("", "")
# {:ok, ""}

Exbitly.shorten!("random", "")
# ** (Exbitly.Error) An error occured while shortening the URL. Message: INVALID_ARG_DOMAIN - Description: The value provided is invalid.
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shorten(domain, long_url)

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@spec shorten(String.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, map()}

Takes a domain and a long URL and returns the shortened URL. If an error occurs, returns the error body.



  • domain: The domain of the shortened URL.
  • long_url: The long URL to be shortened.



Exbitly.shorten("", "")
# {:ok, ""}

Exbitly.shorten("random", "")
# {:error, %{
#   "description" => "The value provided is invalid.",
#   "errors" => [%{"error_code" => "invalid", "field" => "domain"}],
#   "message" => "INVALID_ARG_DOMAIN",
#   "resource" => "bitlinks"
# }}