View Source Excalt.XML.Builder (Excalt v0.1.2)

Builds the xml used to query the caldav server.

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Builds the XML request for listing calendar collections on calendar server. It requests description, timezone, displayname, supported components of the calendar collection (VEVENT, VTODO, VJOURNALS etc..).

Builds XML request for listing events from a calendar collections. Gets only the VEVENT in VCALENDAR object.

Link to this section Functions

@spec calendar_list() :: String.t()

Builds the XML request for listing calendar collections on calendar server. It requests description, timezone, displayname, supported components of the calendar collection (VEVENT, VTODO, VJOURNALS etc..).

@spec event_list() :: String.t()

Builds XML request for listing events from a calendar collections. Gets only the VEVENT in VCALENDAR object.