Cid (excid v1.0.2)

Provides a way for a user to turn a String, Map or Struct into a CID that is identical to one that will be returned from IPFS if the same data is added.

Currently only produces a default v1 CID. Currently only uses the "raw" codec Data provided must be under 256Kb in order for the CID to match the one returned by IPFS

For more info on CIDs and IPFS see the following...



cid/1 Returns a Content ID (CID) identical to the cid returned by IPFS for the same input data.if given the same data. accepts a String, Map or Struct as an argument.


@spec cid(String.t() | map() | struct()) :: String.t()

cid/1 Returns a Content ID (CID) identical to the cid returned by IPFS for the same input data.if given the same data. accepts a String, Map or Struct as an argument.


iex> Application.put_env(:excid, :base, :base32)
iex> Cid.cid("hello")

iex> Application.put_env(:excid, :base, :base58)
iex> Cid.cid("hello")

iex> Application.put_env(:excid, :base, :base32)
iex> Cid.cid(%{key: "value"})

iex> Application.put_env(:excid, :base, :base58)
iex> Cid.cid(%{key: "value"})

iex> Cid.cid(1234)
"invalid data type"

iex> Cid.cid([1,2,3,"four"])
"invalid data type"

iex> Application.put_env(:excid, :base, :wrong_base)
iex> Cid.cid("hello")
"invalid base"