exhtml v0.3.1 Exhtml.Storage

Storage provides a fetch method used to fetch content from outside source.


iex> {:ok, pid} = Exhtml.Storage.start_link []
...> Exhtml.Storage.fetch(pid, :foo)
iex> # fetcher can be replaced at runtime
...> Exhtml.Storage.set_fetcher(pid, fn slug -> "#{slug} is awesome" end)
...> Exhtml.Storage.fetch(pid, :foo)
"foo is awesome"

or you can start a process, passing fetcher:

iex> fetcher = fn slug -> "#{slug} on remote" end
...> {:ok, pid} = Exhtml.Storage.start_link fetcher: fetcher
...> Exhtml.Storage.fetch(pid, :foo)
"foo on remote"



Fetches the content of a slug

Dynamicly set content fetcher. A fetcher can be a function, or a module that can repsond to &fetch/1. If you want to ‘unset’ fetcher, just pass nil as fetcher


slug() :: Exhtml.slug


fetch(pid, slug)
fetch(GenServer.server, term) :: any

Fetches the content of a slug.

  • pid - the PID or name of the server process
  • slug - the key for the content

Returns nil or the content stored.


iex> {:ok, pid} = Exhtml.Storage.start_link [fetcher: fn slug -> "default_content_for_#{slug}" end]
...> Exhtml.Storage.fetch(pid, :foo)
set_fetcher(pid, f)
set_fetcher(GenServer.server, (slug -> any) | module) :: :ok

Dynamicly set content fetcher. A fetcher can be a function, or a module that can repsond to &fetch/1. If you want to ‘unset’ fetcher, just pass nil as fetcher.

  • pid - the PID or name of the server process
  • f - function or module to fetch the content by a slug

Returns :ok.


use a function as fetcher:

iex> {:ok, pid} = Exhtml.Storage.start_link []
...> Exhtml.Storage.set_fetcher(pid, fn _slug -> :bar end)

or a module:

iex> defmodule A do
...>   def fetch(slug), do: "Hello, #{slug}~"
...> end
...> {:ok, pid} = Exhtml.Storage.start_link []
...> Exhtml.Storage.set_fetcher(pid, A)
iex> Exhtml.Storage.fetch(pid, :miao)
"Hello, miao~"