View Source ExMobileDevice.ImageMounter (exmobiledevice v0.2.19)

Functions for dealing with developer disk images.



Fetch a signature for the specified device.

List mounts on the target device.

Look up the signature of the specified image.

Mount a developer disk for a pre-iOS17 device.

Unmount the disk at the specified path.


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fetch_manifest_from_tss(udid, build_manifest_path)

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@spec fetch_manifest_from_tss(String.t(), Path.t()) ::
  {:ok, binary()} | {:error, any()}

Fetch a signature for the specified device.

@spec list_mounted(String.t()) :: {:ok, [map()]} | {:error, any()}

List mounts on the target device.

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lookup_image_signature(udid, type)

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@spec lookup_image_signature(String.t(), String.t()) ::
  {:ok, binary()} | {:error, any()}

Look up the signature of the specified image.

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mount(udid, image_path, sig_path)

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@spec mount(String.t(), Path.t(), Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, any()}

Mount a developer disk for a pre-iOS17 device.

Link to this function

mount(udid, image_path, build_manifest_path, trust_cache_path, info_plist \\ nil)

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@spec mount(String.t(), Path.t(), Path.t(), Path.t(), map() | nil) ::
  :ok | {:error, any()}

Mount a developer disk for an iOS 17+ device.

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unmount(udid, mount_path)

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@spec unmount(String.t(), Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, any()}

Unmount the disk at the specified path.