View Source ExMobileDevice.Muxd (exmobiledevice v0.2.22)

Device management through usbmuxd.

This module provides support for:

  • Listing the currently connected devices
  • Subscribing for device arrival/departure
  • Fetching the pairing record of a specified device
  • Starting, and connecting to, various device services



Connect to usbmuxd.

Connect to the specified port on the specified device.

Returns the platform-dependent 'location id' of the specified device, or nil if no such device is attached.

Retrieve the pairing record for the specified device.

List the currently connected devices.

Subscribe for device arrival and departure.


@spec connect() :: DynamicSupervisor.on_start_child()

Connect to usbmuxd.

On success, a process is returned that encapsulates the connection and monitors the caller of this function, exiting if the caller exits.

This process may be used to:


iex(1)> ExMobileDevice.Muxd.connect()
{:ok, #PID<0.212.0>}
Link to this function

connect_thru(conn, udid, port)

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@spec connect_thru(:gen_statem.server_ref(), String.t(), non_neg_integer()) ::
  {:ok, port()} | {:error, any()}

Connect to the specified port on the specified device.

On success, the connected socket is returned to the caller, and the caller becomes its controlling process.

Conn shutdown

Once the underlying socket has been connected through to the specific device port and returned to the caller, it can no longer be used to communicate with usdbmuxd again and the process represented by conn will automatically stop after returning.


iex(1)> {:ok, conn} = ExMobileDevice.Muxd.connect()
{:ok, #PID<0.200.0>}
iex(2)> {:ok, sock} = ExMobileDevice.Muxd.connect_thru(conn, "00008120-0018DEADC0DEFACE", 62078) # lockdownd
{:ok, #Port<0.4>}
iex(3)> Process.alive?(conn)
@spec get_location_id(String.t()) :: integer() | nil

Returns the platform-dependent 'location id' of the specified device, or nil if no such device is attached.

On Linux, the 32-bit integer returned is composed of the USB bus number (high 16 bits) and USB device number (low 16 bits). On OSX, the integer can be used to form a name that can be used to find the device vis the IORegistry.

This function can be useful when locating the device in the host's device tree.


iex(1)> ExMobileDevice.Muxd.get_location_id("00008120-0018DEADC0DEFACE")
Link to this function

get_pair_record(conn, udid)

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@spec get_pair_record(:gen_statem.server_ref(), String.t()) ::
  {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

Retrieve the pairing record for the specified device.


iex(1)> {:ok, pid} = ExMobileDevice.Muxd.connect()
{:ok, #PID<0.199.0>}
iex(2)> ExMobileDevice.Muxd.get_pair_record(pid, "00008120-0018DEADC0DEFACE")
  "DeviceCertificate" => "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... elided ..."
@spec list_devices() :: [String.t()]

List the currently connected devices.


iex(1)> ExMobileDevice.Muxd.list_devices()
iex(2)> # Plug a device in!
iex(3)> ExMobileDevice.Muxd.list_devices()
@spec subscribe() :: {:ok, [String.t()]} | {:error, any()}

Subscribe for device arrival and departure.

On success, this function returns the list of devices present at the time of subscription. Any device notifications received subsequently are guaranteed to have happened after this snapshot.

The subscription is automatically removed when the subscriber exits.

Multiple subscriptions

Multiple subscriptions from the same process will result in duplicate events being delivered to that process

Device events are sent to the subscribing process and have the form:

{:exmobiledevice, {:device_attached, device_id}} # device arrivals
{:exmobiledevice, {:device_detached, device_id}} # device departures

Additionally, if the connection to usbmuxd itself is lost (or recovered), the subscribing process will receive the following messages:

{:exmobiledevice, :disconnected} # On disconnection
{:exmobiledevice, :connected}    # On reconnection
{:exmobiledevice, {:device_attached, device_id}} # For each connected device, on reconnection


iex(1)> ExMobileDevice.Muxd.subscribe()
{:ok, []}
iex(2)> # Plug a device in!
iex(3)> flush
{:exmobiledevice, {:device_attached, "00008120-0018DEADC0DEFACE"}}
iex(4)> # Unplug the device!
iex(5)> flush
{:exmobiledevice, {:device_detached, "00008120-0018DEADC0DEFACE"}}