View Source ExOAPI.Stripe.SDK.Balance (exoapi_stripe v0.1.4)
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description: <p>Retrieves the current account balance, based on the authentication that was used to make the request. For a sample request, see <a href="/docs/connect/account-balances#accounting-for-negative-balances">Accounting for negative balances</a>.</p>
description: <p>Returns a list of transactions that have contributed to the Stripe account balance (e.g., charges, transfers, and so forth). The transactions are returned in sorted order, with the most recent transactions appearing first.</p>
description: <p>Retrieves the balance transaction with the given ID.</p>
Link to this section Types
Link to this section Functions
@spec get_balance(client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), [get_balance_opts()]) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Balance.t() | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Retrieves the current account balance, based on the authentication that was used to make the request. For a sample request, see <a href="/docs/connect/account-balances#accounting-for-negative-balances">Accounting for negative balances</a>.</p>
@spec get_balance_history(client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), [get_balance_history_opts()]) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | %{ url: String.t(), object: String.t() | :list, has_more: boolean(), data: [ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.BalanceTransaction.t()] } | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Returns a list of transactions that have contributed to the Stripe account balance (e.g., charges, transfers, and so forth). The transactions are returned in sorted order, with the most recent transactions appearing first.</p>
Note that this endpoint was previously called “Balance history” and used the path /v1/balance/history
@spec get_balance_history_id( client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), id :: String.t(), [get_balance_history_id_opts()] ) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.BalanceTransaction.t() | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Retrieves the balance transaction with the given ID.</p>
Note that this endpoint previously used the path /v1/balance/history/:id