View Source ExOAPI.Stripe.SDK.Checkout (exoapi_stripe v0.1.4)
Link to this section Summary
description: <p>Returns a list of Checkout Sessions.</p>
description: <p>Retrieves a Session object.</p>
description: <p>When retrieving a Checkout Session, there is an includable <strong>line_items</strong> property containing the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.</p>
description: <p>Creates a Session object.</p>
description: <p>A Session can be expired when it is in one of these statuses: <code>open</code> </p>
Link to this section Types
Link to this section Functions
@spec get_checkout_sessions(client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), [ get_checkout_sessions_opts() ]) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | %{ url: String.t(), object: String.t() | :list, has_more: boolean(), data: [ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Checkout_session.t()] } | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Returns a list of Checkout Sessions.</p>
@spec get_checkout_sessions_session( client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), session :: String.t(), [get_checkout_sessions_session_opts()] ) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Checkout_session.t() | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Retrieves a Session object.</p>
get_checkout_sessions_session_line_items(client, session, opts \\ [])
View Source@spec get_checkout_sessions_session_line_items( client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), session :: String.t(), [get_checkout_sessions_session_line_items_opts()] ) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | %{ url: String.t(), object: String.t() | :list, has_more: boolean(), data: [ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Item.t()] } | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>When retrieving a Checkout Session, there is an includable <strong>line_items</strong> property containing the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.</p>
@spec post_checkout_sessions( client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), body :: %{ tax_id_collection: %{enabled: boolean()}, success_url: String.t(), subscription_data: %{ trial_period_days: integer(), trial_end: integer(), transfer_data: %{destination: String.t(), amount_percent: number()}, metadata: map(), items: [ %{tax_rates: [String.t()], quantity: integer(), plan: String.t()} ], default_tax_rates: [String.t()], application_fee_percent: number() }, submit_type: String.t() | :auto | :book | :donate | :pay, shipping_options: [ %{ shipping_rate_data: %{ type: String.t() | :fixed_amount, tax_code: String.t(), tax_behavior: String.t() | :exclusive | :inclusive | :unspecified, metadata: map(), fixed_amount: %{currency: String.t(), amount: integer()}, display_name: String.t(), delivery_estimate: %{ minimum: %{ value: integer(), unit: String.t() | :business_day | :day | :hour | :month | :week }, maximum: %{ value: integer(), unit: String.t() | :business_day | :day | :hour | :month | :week } } }, shipping_rate: String.t() } ], shipping_address_collection: %{ allowed_countries: [ String.t() | :AC | :AD | :AE | :AF | :AG | :AI | :AL | :AM | :AO | :AQ | :AR | :AT | :AU | :AW | :AX | :AZ | :BA | :BB | :BD | :BE | :BF | :BG | :BH | :BI | :BJ | :BL | :BM | :BN | :BO | :BQ | :BR | :BS | :BT | :BV | :BW | :BY | :BZ | :CA | :CD | :CF | :CG | :CH | :CI | :CK | :CL | :CM | :CN | :CO | :CR | :CV | :CW | :CY | :CZ | :DE | :DJ | :DK | :DM | :DO | :DZ | :EC | :EE | :EG | :EH | :ER | :ES | :ET | :FI | :FJ | :FK | :FO | :FR | :GA | :GB | :GD | :GE | :GF | :GG | :GH | :GI | :GL | :GM | :GN | :GP | :GQ | :GR | :GS | :GT | :GU | :GW | :GY | :HK | :HN | :HR | :HT | :HU | :ID | :IE | :IL | :IM | :IN | :IO | :IQ | :IS | :IT | :JE | :JM | :JO | :JP | :KE | :KG | :KH | :KI | :KM | :KN | :KR | :KW | :KY | :KZ | :LA | :LB | :LC | :LI | :LK | :LR | :LS | :LT | :LU | :LV | :LY | :MA | :MC | :MD | :ME | :MF | :MG | :MK | :ML | :MM | :MN | :MO | :MQ | :MR | :MS | :MT | :MU | :MV | :MW | :MX | :MY | :MZ | :NA | :NC | :NE | :NG | :NI | :NL | :NO | :NP | :NR | :NU | :NZ | :OM | :PA | :PE | :PF | :PG | :PH | :PK | :PL | :PM | :PN | :PR | :PS | :PT | :PY | :QA | :RE | :RO | :RS | :RU | :RW | :SA | :SB | :SC | :SE | :SG | :SH | :SI | :SJ | :SK | :SL | :SM | :SN | :SO | :SR | :SS | :ST | :SV | :SX | :SZ | :TA | :TC | :TD | :TF | :TG | :TH | :TJ | :TK | :TL | :TM | :TN | :TO | :TR | :TT | :TV | :TW | :TZ | :UA | :UG | :US | :UY | :UZ | :VA | :VC | :VE | :VG | :VN | :VU | :WF | :WS | :XK | :YE | :YT | :ZA | :ZM | :ZW | :ZZ ] }, setup_intent_data: %{ on_behalf_of: String.t(), metadata: map(), description: String.t() }, phone_number_collection: %{enabled: boolean()}, payment_method_types: [ String.t() | :acss_debit | :afterpay_clearpay | :alipay | :au_becs_debit | :bacs_debit | :bancontact | :boleto | :card | :eps | :fpx | :giropay | :grabpay | :ideal | :klarna | :konbini | :oxxo | :p24 | :paynow | :sepa_debit | :sofort | :us_bank_account | :wechat_pay ], payment_method_options: %{ wechat_pay: %{ client: String.t() | :android | :ios | :web, app_id: String.t() }, us_bank_account: %{ verification_method: String.t() | :automatic | :instant }, oxxo: %{expires_after_days: integer()}, konbini: %{expires_after_days: String.t() | integer()}, boleto: %{expires_after_days: integer()}, acss_debit: %{ verification_method: String.t() | :automatic | :instant | :microdeposits, mandate_options: %{ transaction_type: String.t() | :business | :personal, payment_schedule: String.t() | :combined | :interval | :sporadic, interval_description: String.t(), default_for: [String.t() | :invoice | :subscription], custom_mandate_url: String.t() }, currency: String.t() | :cad | :usd } }, payment_intent_data: %{ transfer_group: String.t(), transfer_data: %{destination: String.t(), amount: integer()}, statement_descriptor_suffix: String.t(), statement_descriptor: String.t(), shipping: %{ tracking_number: String.t(), phone: String.t(), name: String.t(), carrier: String.t(), address: %{ state: String.t(), postal_code: String.t(), line2: String.t(), line1: String.t(), country: String.t(), city: String.t() } }, setup_future_usage: String.t() | :off_session | :on_session, receipt_email: String.t(), on_behalf_of: String.t(), metadata: map(), description: String.t(), capture_method: String.t() | :automatic | :manual, application_fee_amount: integer() }, mode: String.t() | :payment | :setup | :subscription, metadata: map(), locale: String.t() | :auto | :bg | :cs | :da | :de | :el | :en | :"en-GB" | :es | :"es-419" | :et | :fi | :fil | :fr | :"fr-CA" | :hr | :hu | :id | :it | :ja | :ko | :lt | :lv | :ms | :mt | :nb | :nl | :pl | :pt | :"pt-BR" | :ro | :ru | :sk | :sl | :sv | :th | :tr | :vi | :zh | :"zh-HK" | :"zh-TW", line_items: [ %{ tax_rates: [String.t()], quantity: integer(), price_data: %{ unit_amount_decimal: String.t(), unit_amount: integer(), tax_behavior: String.t() | :exclusive | :inclusive | :unspecified, recurring: %{ interval_count: integer(), interval: String.t() | :day | :month | :week | :year }, product_data: %{ tax_code: String.t(), name: String.t(), metadata: map(), images: [String.t()], description: String.t() }, product: String.t(), currency: String.t() }, price: String.t(), dynamic_tax_rates: [String.t()], adjustable_quantity: %{ minimum: integer(), maximum: integer(), enabled: boolean() } } ], expires_at: integer(), expand: [String.t()], discounts: [%{promotion_code: String.t(), coupon: String.t()}], customer_update: %{ shipping: String.t() | :auto | :never, name: String.t() | :auto | :never, address: String.t() | :auto | :never }, customer_email: String.t(), customer_creation: String.t() | :always | :if_required, customer: String.t(), consent_collection: %{promotions: String.t() | :auto}, client_reference_id: String.t(), cancel_url: String.t(), billing_address_collection: String.t() | :auto | :required, automatic_tax: %{enabled: boolean()}, allow_promotion_codes: boolean(), after_expiration: %{ recovery: %{enabled: boolean(), allow_promotion_codes: boolean()} } } | map() ) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Checkout_session.t() | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Creates a Session object.</p>
@spec post_checkout_sessions_session_expire( client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), body :: %{expand: [String.t()]} | map(), session :: String.t() ) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Checkout_session.t() | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>A Session can be expired when it is in one of these statuses: <code>open</code> </p>
After it expires, a customer can’t complete a Session and customers loading the Session see a message saying the Session is expired.