View Source ExOAPI.Stripe.SDK.Products (exoapi_stripe v0.1.4)
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description: <p>Delete a product. Deleting a product is only possible if it has no prices associated with it. Additionally, deleting a product with <code>type=good</code> is only possible if it has no SKUs associated with it.</p>
description: <p>Returns a list of your products. The products are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created products appearing first.</p>
description: <p>Retrieves the details of an existing product. Supply the unique product ID from either a product creation request or the product list, and Stripe will return the corresponding product information.</p>
description: <p>Search for products you’ve previously created using Stripe’s <a href="/docs/search#search-query-language">Search Query Language</a>. Don’t use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not available to merchants in India.</p>
description: <p>Creates a new product object.</p>
description: <p>Updates the specific product by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.</p>
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Link to this section Functions
@spec delete_products_id( client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), body :: %{} | map(), id :: String.t() ) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.DeletedProduct.t() | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Delete a product. Deleting a product is only possible if it has no prices associated with it. Additionally, deleting a product with <code>type=good</code> is only possible if it has no SKUs associated with it.</p>
@spec get_products(client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), [get_products_opts()]) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | %{ url: String.t(), object: String.t() | :list, has_more: boolean(), data: [ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Product.t()] } | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Returns a list of your products. The products are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created products appearing first.</p>
@spec get_products_id( client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), id :: String.t(), [get_products_id_opts()] ) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Product.t() | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Retrieves the details of an existing product. Supply the unique product ID from either a product creation request or the product list, and Stripe will return the corresponding product information.</p>
@spec get_products_search( client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), query :: String.t(), [get_products_search_opts()] ) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | %{ url: String.t(), total_count: integer(), object: String.t() | :search_result, next_page: String.t(), has_more: boolean(), data: [ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Product.t()] } | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Search for products you’ve previously created using Stripe’s <a href="/docs/search#search-query-language">Search Query Language</a>. Don’t use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal operating conditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of new or updated data can be up to an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not available to merchants in India.</p>
@spec post_products( client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), body :: %{ url: String.t(), unit_label: String.t(), tax_code: String.t(), statement_descriptor: String.t(), shippable: boolean(), package_dimensions: %{ width: number(), weight: number(), length: number(), height: number() }, name: String.t(), metadata: map(), images: [String.t()], id: String.t(), expand: [String.t()], description: String.t(), active: boolean() } | map() ) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Product.t() | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Creates a new product object.</p>
@spec post_products_id( client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), body :: %{ url: String.t(), unit_label: String.t(), tax_code: String.t(), statement_descriptor: String.t(), shippable: boolean(), package_dimensions: String.t() | %{ width: number(), weight: number(), length: number(), height: number() }, name: String.t(), metadata: String.t() | map(), images: String.t() | [String.t()], expand: [String.t()], description: String.t(), active: boolean() } | map(), id :: String.t() ) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Product.t() | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Updates the specific product by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.</p>