View Source ExOAPI.Stripe.SDK.Recipients (exoapi_stripe v0.1.4)
Link to this section Summary
description: <p>Permanently deletes a recipient. It cannot be undone.</p>
description: <p>Returns a list of your recipients. The recipients are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created recipients appearing first.</p>
description: <p>Retrieves the details of an existing recipient. You need only supply the unique recipient identifier that was returned upon recipient creation.</p>
description: <p>Creates a new <code>Recipient</code> object and verifies the recipient’s identity. Also verifies the recipient’s bank account information or debit card, if either is provided.</p>
description: <p>Updates the specified recipient by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.</p>
Link to this section Types
@type get_recipients_id_opts() :: {:expand, String.t()}
Link to this section Functions
@spec delete_recipients_id( client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), body :: %{} | map(), id :: String.t() ) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.DeletedRecipient.t() | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Permanently deletes a recipient. It cannot be undone.</p>
deprecated: true
@spec get_recipients(client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), [get_recipients_opts()]) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | %{ url: String.t(), object: String.t() | :list, has_more: boolean(), data: [ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Recipient.t()] } | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Returns a list of your recipients. The recipients are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created recipients appearing first.</p>
deprecated: true
@spec get_recipients_id( client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), id :: String.t(), [get_recipients_id_opts()] ) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.DeletedRecipient.t() | ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Recipient.t() | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Retrieves the details of an existing recipient. You need only supply the unique recipient identifier that was returned upon recipient creation.</p>
deprecated: true
@spec post_recipients( client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), body :: %{ type: String.t(), tax_id: String.t(), name: String.t(), metadata: String.t() | map(), expand: [String.t()], email: String.t(), description: String.t(), card: String.t(), bank_account: String.t() } | map() ) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Recipient.t() | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Creates a new <code>Recipient</code> object and verifies the recipient’s identity. Also verifies the recipient’s bank account information or debit card, if either is provided.</p>
deprecated: true
@spec post_recipients_id( client :: ExOAPI.Client.t(), body :: %{ tax_id: String.t(), name: String.t(), metadata: String.t() | map(), expand: [String.t()], email: String.t(), description: String.t(), default_card: String.t(), card: String.t(), bank_account: String.t() } | map(), id :: String.t() ) :: {:ok, ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Error.t() | ExOAPI.Stripe.Schemas.Recipient.t() | map()} | {:error, any()}
description: <p>Updates the specified recipient by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.</p>
If you update the name or tax ID, the identity verification will automatically be rerun.If you update the bank account, the bank account validation will automatically be rerun.
**deprecated**: true