exoml v0.0.2 Exoml

A module to decode/encode xml into a tree structure.

The aim of this parser is to be able to represent any xml document as a tree-like structure, but be able to put it back together in a sane way.

In comparison to other xml parsers, this one preserves broken stuff. The goal is to be able to decode the typical broken html document, modify it, and encode it again, without loosing too much of its original content.

Currently the parser preserves whitespace between <xml> nodes, so <pre> or <textarea> tags should be unaffected, by a decode/1 into encode/1.

The only part where the parser tidies up, is the attr="part" of a <xml attr=”part”> node.

With well-formed XML, the parser does work really well.

Link to this section Summary


Returns a tree representation from the given xml string

Returns a string representation from the given xml tree

Link to this section Types

Link to this type attr()
attr() :: binary | {binary, binary}
Link to this type attr_list()
attr_list() :: [] | [attr]
Link to this type xmlnode()
xmlnode ::
  binary |
  {binary, attr_list, xmlnode_list} |
  {binary, attr_list, nil} |
  {atom, attr_list, nil} |
  {atom, attr_list, xmlnode_list}
Link to this type xmlnode_list()
xmlnode_list() :: [] | [xmlnode]
Link to this type xmlroot()
xmlroot() :: {:root, [], xmlnode_list}

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function decode(bin)
decode(binary) :: xmlroot

Returns a tree representation from the given xml string.


iex> Exoml.decode("<tag foo=bar>some text<self closing /></tag>")
{:root, [],
 [{"tag", [{"foo", "bar"}],
   ["some text", {"self", [{"closing", "closing"}], nil}]}]}

iex> Exoml.decode("what, this is not xml")
{:root, [], ["what, this is not xml"]}

iex> Exoml.decode("Well, it renders <b>in the browser</b>")
{:root, [], ["Well, it renders ", {"b", [], ["in the browser"]}]}

iex> Exoml.decode("")
{:root, [], []}
Link to this function encode(tree)
encode(xmlroot) :: binary

Returns a string representation from the given xml tree

Note when encoding a previously decoded xml document: Exoml does not perfectly preserve everything from a decoded xml document. In general, it preserves just well enough, but don’t expect a 1-1 conversion.


iex> xml = ~s'<tag foo="bar">some text</tag>'
iex> ^xml = Exoml.encode(Exoml.decode(xml))
"<tag foo="bar">some text</tag>"