ExopData v0.1.7 ExopData.CommonGenerators View Source

Functions to create and combine generators.

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Generates atoms.

Allow to generate maps with optional keys and generated values.

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Generates atoms.


  • :length - (integer or range) if an integer, the exact length the generated atoms should be; if a range, the range in which the length of the generated atoms should be. If provided, :min_length and :max_length are ignored.

  • :min_length - (integer) the minimum length of the generated atoms.

  • :max_length - (integer) the maximum length of the generated atoms.


Enum.take(ExopData.CommonGenerators.atom(), 3)
#=> [:xF, :y, :B_]
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map(data_map, optional_keys) View Source
map([StreamData.t()], [atom()]) :: StreamData.t()

Allow to generate maps with optional keys and generated values.

data_map is a map of fixed_key => data pairs. optional_keys is a list of optional keys, which can be or cannot be in final result.


data = ExopData.CommonGenerators.map(
    integer: StreamData.integer(),
    binary: StreamData.binary(),
Enum.take(data, 3)
#=> [%{binary: "a", integer: 1}, %{binary: "b"}, %{binary: "c", integer: 2}]