Expression.V2.Callbacks (expression v2.36.2)

Use this module to implement one's own callbacks. The standard callbacks available are implemented in Expression.V2.Callbacks.Standard.

defmodule MyCallbacks do
  use Expression.V2.Callbacks

  @doc """
  Roll a dice and randomly return a number between 1 and 6.
  def dice_roll(ctx) do




Convert a string function name into an atom meant to handle that function

Callback a function while evaluating the context against an expression.


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Convert a string function name into an atom meant to handle that function

Reserved words such as and, if, and or are automatically suffixed with an _ underscore.

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callback(module \\ Standard, context, function_name, arguments)

@spec callback(
  module :: module(),
  context :: map(),
  function_name :: binary(),
  arguments :: [any()]
) :: any()

Callback a function while evaluating the context against an expression.

Callback functions in this module are either:

  1. The function name as is
  2. The function name with an underscore suffix if the function name is a reserved word
  3. The function name suffixed with _vargs if the takes a variable set of arguments
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implements(module \\ Standard, function_name, arguments)

@spec implements(module(), function_name :: String.t(), arguments :: [any()]) ::
  {:exact, module(), function_name :: atom()}
  | {:vargs, module(), function_name :: atom()}
  | {:error, reason :: String.t()}