View Source Expublish.Options (expublish v2.7.5)

Validate and parse mix task arguments.



Default options used for every run.

Parse mix task arguments and merge with default options.

Print help to stdout.

Validates options and level combinations.


@type level() :: :major | :minor | :patch | :rc | :beta | :alpha | :stable
@type t() :: %Expublish.Options{
  allow_untracked: term(),
  as_major: term(),
  as_minor: term(),
  branch: term(),
  changelog_date_time: term(),
  commit_prefix: term(),
  disable_publish: term(),
  disable_push: term(),
  disable_test: term(),
  dry_run: term(),
  help: term(),
  remote: term(),
  tag_prefix: term(),
  version_file: term()


@spec defaults() :: t()

Default options used for every run.

  remote: "origin",
  help: false,
  branch: "master",
  allow_untracked: false,
  as_major: false,
  as_minor: false,
  changelog_date_time: false,
  disable_publish: false,
  disable_push: false,
  disable_test: false,
  dry_run: false,
  tag_prefix: "v",
  commit_prefix: "Version release",
  version_file: "mix.exs"
@spec parse([String.t()]) :: struct()

Parse mix task arguments and merge with default options.

Link to this function

validate(options, level)

View Source
@spec validate(t(), level()) :: :ok | String.t()

Validates options and level combinations.

Returns :ok or error message.