
You're seeing just the function enqueue_in, go back to Exq.Enqueuer module for more information.
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enqueue_in(pid, queue, offset, worker, args)

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Schedule a job to be enqueued at in the future given by offset in seconds.

Expected args:

  • pid - PID for Exq Manager or Enqueuer to handle this
  • queue - Name of queue to use
  • offset - Offset in seconds in the future to enqueue
  • worker - Worker module to target
  • args - Array of args to send to worker
  • options: Following job options are supported
    • max_retries (integer) - max retry count
    • jid (string) - user supplied jid value
    • unique_for (integer) - lock expiration duration in seconds
    • unique_token (string) - unique lock token. By default the token is computed based on the queue, class and args.
    • unique_until (atom) - defaults to :success. Supported values are
      • :success - unlock on job success
      • :start - unlock on job first execution
      • :expiry - unlock when the lock is expired. Depends on unique_for value.

If Exq is running in mode: [:enqueuer], then you will need to use the Enqueuer to schedule jobs, for example:

Exq.Enqueuer.enqueue_in(Exq.Enqueuer, "default", 5000, MyWorker, ["foo"])
Link to this function

enqueue_in(pid, queue, offset, worker, args, options)

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