ExqLimit v0.1.3 ExqLimit.Global View Source

Exq comes with concurrency control support per queue, but it's limited to a single worker node. This module on the other hand limits the concurrency globally across all the worker nodes. For example, with a limit of 10, if there are two active worker nodes, each will be allowed to work on 5 concurrent jobs. The limits per worker node will get auto adjusted when new worker nodes get added or existing ones get removed.


  • limit (integer) - Global max concurrency across all the worker nodes. Required field
  • node_id (string) - Unique id of the worker node. Defaults to Exq node identifier.
  • interval (integer - milliseconds) - The availability of each node is determined by the last hearbeat. The interval controls how often the node registers the hearbeat. Defaults to 20_000.
  • missed_heartbeats_allowed (integer) - Number of hearbeats a node is allowed to miss. After which, the node will be considered dead and its capacity will be redistributed to remaining worker nodes. Defaults to 10.


This implementations tries to never run more than the configured limit. But the limit could be crossed if a node could not communicate with redis server, but able to continue with current running jobs. In those cases, after certain time, the node will be considered dead and its capacity will be shared across remaining nodes.