Common Issues

Problems often encountered by new users

I’m starting this list to begin collating the various caveats around building releases. As soon as I feel like I have a firm grasp of all the edge cases, I’ll formalize this in a better format perhaps as a “Preparing for Release” document.

Dependency issues

Ensure all dependencies for your application are defined in either the :applications or :included_applications block of your mix.exs file. This is how the build process knows that those dependencies need to be bundled in to the release. This includes dependencies of your dependencies, if they were not properly configured. For instance, if you depend on mongoex, and mongoex depends on erlang-mongodb, but mongoex doesn’t have erlang-mongodb in it’s applications list, your app will fail in it’s release form, because erlang-mongodb won’t be loaded.

If you are running into issues with your dependencies missing their dependencies, it’s likely that the author did not put the dependencies in the :application block of their mix.exs. You may have to fork, or issue a pull request in order to resolve this issue. Alternatively, if you know what the dependency is, you can put it in your own mix.exs, and the release process will ensure that it is loaded with everything else.

Configuration not working as expected

Due to the way config.exs is converted to the sys.config file used by Erlang releases, it is important to make sure all of your config values are namespaced by application, i.e. config :myapp, foo: bar instead of config foo: bar, and access your config via Application.get_env(:myapp, :foo). If you do not do this, you will likely run into issues at runtime complaining that you are attempting to access configuration for an application that is not loaded.

If your project has files or modules names which exceed the file name length limit of erl_tar, you will see an error like the following:

Building release with MIX_ENV=dev.
==> ERROR: "Failed to build release. Please fix any errors and try again."

Release not starting correctly due to Joken version < 1.2.0

Joken < 1.2.0 causes a deadlock during application load, this affects start, console and other commands.

Release not starting on Vagrant's `/vagrant` mountpoint

When running in Vagrant with source and release dirs under the /vagrant directory, you might eed to set RELEASE_MUTABLE_DIR envar to a local path that is not under /vagrant

Release not starting for other reasons - diagnosis

exrm 1.0.4 and later - set ERL_OPTS="-init_debug" envvar when running your app. You can tweak the script found inside the versioned directory.

For older versions, edit the startup script (rel/myapp/releases/1.0.0/ and edit the ERL_OPTS line to say ERL_OPTS="-init_debug".


If you run into problems, please create an issue, and I’ll address ASAP.