exth_crypto v0.1.6 ExthCrypto.AES

Defines standard functions for use with AES symmetric cryptography in block mode.

Link to this section Summary


Returns the blocksize for AES encryption when used as block mode encryption

Decrypts the given binary with the given private key

Encrypts a given binary with the given public key. For block mode, this is the standard encrypt operation. For streaming mode, this will return the final block of the stream

Decrypts data from an already initialized AES stream, returning a stream with updated state, as well as the plaintext

Encrypts data with an already initialized AES stream, returning a stream with updated state, as well as the ciphertext

Initializes an AES stream in the given mode with a given key and init vector

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function block_size()
block_size() :: integer()

Returns the blocksize for AES encryption when used as block mode encryption.


iex> ExthCrypto.AES.block_size

Decrypts the given binary with the given private key.


iex> <<86, 16, 7, 47, 97, 219, 8, 46, 16, 170, 70, 100, 131, 140, 241, 28>>
...> |> ExthCrypto.AES.decrypt(:cbc, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key, ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
<<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>> <> "obi wan"

iex> <<219, 181, 173, 235, 88, 139, 229, 61, 172, 142, 36, 195, 83, 203, 237, 39>>
...> |> ExthCrypto.AES.decrypt(:cbc, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key(:key_b), ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
<<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>> <> "obi wan"

iex> <<134, 126, 59, 64, 83, 197, 85, 40, 155, 178, 52, 165, 27, 190, 60, 170>>
...> |> ExthCrypto.AES.decrypt(:cbc, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key, ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector(2))
<<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>> <> "obi wan"

iex> <<54, 252, 188, 111, 221, 182, 65, 54, 77, 143, 127, 188, 176, 178, 50, 160>>
...> |> ExthCrypto.AES.decrypt(:cbc, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key, ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
<<0, 0, 0, 0, 0>> <> "jedi knight"

iex> "3ee326e03303a303df6eac828b0bdc8ed67254b44a6a79cd0082bc245977b0e7d4283d63a346744d2f1ecaafca8be906d9f3d27db914d80b601d7e0c598418380e5fe2b48c0e0b8454c6d251f577f28f"
...> |> ExthCrypto.Math.hex_to_bin
...> |> ExthCrypto.AES.decrypt(:cbc, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key, ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
<<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>> <> "Did you ever hear the story of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not."

iex> <<32, 99, 57, 7, 64, 82, 28>>
...> |> ExthCrypto.AES.decrypt(:ctr, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key, ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
"obi wan"

iex> <<156, 176, 33, 64, 69, 16, 173>>
...> |> ExthCrypto.AES.decrypt(:ctr, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key(:key_b), ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
"obi wan"

iex> <<214, 99, 7, 241, 219, 189, 178>>
...> |> ExthCrypto.AES.decrypt(:ctr, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key, ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector(2))
"obi wan"

iex> <<37, 100, 52, 78, 23, 88, 28, 22, 254, 47, 32>>
...> |> ExthCrypto.AES.decrypt(:ctr, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key, ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
"jedi knight"

iex> "0b6834074e5c075ffc31318cc03cba1fe35648a6f149a74952661473b73570fb98332e31870c111d3ae5ccff2154bd4083a7ee4bfd19bc85eba77835aac4cea881ada2630cdd"
...> |> ExthCrypto.Math.hex_to_bin
...> |> ExthCrypto.AES.decrypt(:ctr, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key, ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
"Did you ever hear the story of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not."

iex> ExthCrypto.AES.decrypt(<<98, 60, 215, 107, 189, 132, 176, 63, 62, 225, 92, 13, 70, 53, 187, 240>>, :ecb, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key)
<<0, 0, 0, 0, 0>> <> "jedi knight"

Encrypts a given binary with the given public key. For block mode, this is the standard encrypt operation. For streaming mode, this will return the final block of the stream.

Note: for streaming modes, init_vector is the same as ICB.


iex> ExthCrypto.AES.encrypt("obi wan", :cbc, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key, ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
<<86, 16, 7, 47, 97, 219, 8, 46, 16, 170, 70, 100, 131, 140, 241, 28>>

iex> ExthCrypto.AES.encrypt("obi wan", :cbc, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key(:key_b), ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
<<219, 181, 173, 235, 88, 139, 229, 61, 172, 142, 36, 195, 83, 203, 237, 39>>

iex> ExthCrypto.AES.encrypt("obi wan", :cbc, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key, ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector(2))
<<134, 126, 59, 64, 83, 197, 85, 40, 155, 178, 52, 165, 27, 190, 60, 170>>

iex> ExthCrypto.AES.encrypt("jedi knight", :cbc, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key, ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
<<54, 252, 188, 111, 221, 182, 65, 54, 77, 143, 127, 188, 176, 178, 50, 160>>

iex> ExthCrypto.AES.encrypt("Did you ever hear the story of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not.", :cbc, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key, ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector) |> ExthCrypto.Math.bin_to_hex

iex> ExthCrypto.AES.encrypt("obi wan", :ctr, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key, ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
<<32, 99, 57, 7, 64, 82, 28>>

iex> ExthCrypto.AES.encrypt("obi wan", :ctr, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key(:key_b), ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
<<156, 176, 33, 64, 69, 16, 173>>

iex> ExthCrypto.AES.encrypt("obi wan", :ctr, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key, ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector(2))
<<214, 99, 7, 241, 219, 189, 178>>

iex> ExthCrypto.AES.encrypt("jedi knight", :ctr, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key, ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
<<37, 100, 52, 78, 23, 88, 28, 22, 254, 47, 32>>

iex> ExthCrypto.AES.encrypt("Did you ever hear the story of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not.", :ctr, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key, ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector) |> ExthCrypto.Math.bin_to_hex

iex> ExthCrypto.AES.encrypt("jedi knight", :ecb, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key)
<<98, 60, 215, 107, 189, 132, 176, 63, 62, 225, 92, 13, 70, 53, 187, 240>>

Decrypts data from an already initialized AES stream, returning a stream with updated state, as well as the plaintext.


iex> stream = ExthCrypto.AES.stream_init(:ctr, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key(), ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
iex> {_stream_2, ciphertext} = ExthCrypto.AES.stream_encrypt("hello", stream)
iex> {_stream_3, plaintext} = ExthCrypto.AES.stream_decrypt(ciphertext, stream)
iex> plaintext

Encrypts data with an already initialized AES stream, returning a stream with updated state, as well as the ciphertext.


iex> stream = ExthCrypto.AES.stream_init(:ctr, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key(), ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
iex> {_stream_2, ciphertext} = ExthCrypto.AES.stream_encrypt("hello", stream)
iex> ciphertext

Initializes an AES stream in the given mode with a given key and init vector.


iex> stream = ExthCrypto.AES.stream_init(:ctr, ExthCrypto.Test.symmetric_key(), ExthCrypto.Test.init_vector)
iex> is_nil(stream)