exth_crypto v0.1.6 ExthCrypto.Hash.Keccak

Simple wrapper for Keccak function for Ethereum.

Note: This module defines KECCAK as defined by Ethereum, which differs slightly than that assigned as the new SHA-3 variant. For SHA-3, a few constants have been changed prior to adoption by NIST, but after adoption by Ethereum.

Link to this section Summary


Finalizes a given Keccak mac stream to produce the current hash

Initializes a new Keccak mac stream

Returns the keccak sha256 of a given input

Updates a given Keccak mac stream with the given secret and data, returning a new mac stream

Link to this section Types

Link to this type keccak_hash()
keccak_hash() :: ExthCrypto.hash()
Link to this type keccak_mac()
keccak_mac() :: {atom(), binary()}

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function final_mac(mac)
final_mac(keccak_mac()) :: keccak_hash()

Finalizes a given Keccak mac stream to produce the current hash.


iex> ExthCrypto.Hash.Keccak.init_mac()
...> |> ExthCrypto.Hash.Keccak.update_mac("data")
...> |> ExthCrypto.Hash.Keccak.final_mac()
...> |> ExthCrypto.Math.bin_to_hex
Link to this function init_mac()
init_mac() :: keccak_mac()

Initializes a new Keccak mac stream.


iex> keccak_mac = ExthCrypto.Hash.Keccak.init_mac()
iex> is_nil(keccak_mac)

Returns the keccak sha256 of a given input.


iex> ExthCrypto.Hash.Keccak.kec("hello world")
<<71, 23, 50, 133, 168, 215, 52, 30, 94, 151, 47, 198, 119, 40, 99,
  132, 248, 2, 248, 239, 66, 165, 236, 95, 3, 187, 250, 37, 76, 176,
  31, 173>>

iex> ExthCrypto.Hash.Keccak.kec(<<0x01, 0x02, 0x03>>)
<<241, 136, 94, 218, 84, 183, 160, 83, 49, 140, 212, 30, 32, 147, 34,
  13, 171, 21, 214, 83, 129, 177, 21, 122, 54, 51, 168, 59, 253, 92,
  146, 57>>
Link to this function update_mac(mac, data)
update_mac(keccak_mac(), binary()) :: keccak_mac()

Updates a given Keccak mac stream with the given secret and data, returning a new mac stream.


iex> keccak_mac = ExthCrypto.Hash.Keccak.init_mac()
...> |> ExthCrypto.Hash.Keccak.update_mac("data")
iex> is_nil(keccak_mac)