Extism.Plugin (extism v0.5.0)

A Plugin represents an instance of your WASM program from the given manifest.



Call a plugin's function by name

Frees the plugin

Returns true if the given plugin responds to the given function name

Updates the manifest of the given plugin


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call(plugin, name, input)

Call a plugin's function by name


iex> {:ok, plugin} = Extism.Plugin.new(manifest, false)
iex> {:ok, output} = Extism.Plugin.call(plugin, "count_vowels", "this is a test")
   # {:ok, "{"count": 4}"}


  • plugin: The plugin
  • name: The name of the function as a string
  • input: The input data as a string


A string representation of the functions output

Frees the plugin

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has_function(plugin, function_name)

Returns true if the given plugin responds to the given function name

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new(manifest, wasi \\ false, context \\ nil)

Creates a new plugin

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update(plugin, manifest, wasi)

Updates the manifest of the given plugin


  • ctx: The Context to manage this plugin
  • manifest: The String or Map of the WASM module or manifest
  • wasi: A bool you set to true if you want WASI support
Link to this function

wrap_resource(ctx, plugin_id)