View Source Extractly.Toc (Extractly v0.5.4)

Extract Table Of Contents from a list of lines representing a Markdown document



Depending on the options the Table Of Contents extracted from the lines can be rendered in different formats, the default being Markdown


Link to this function

render(lines, options \\ [])

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Depending on the options the Table Of Contents extracted from the lines can be rendered in different formats, the default being Markdown


iex(1)> render(["# Hello", "## World"])
["- Hello",  "  - World"]

Numbered lists can be created too

iex(2)> render(["# Hello", "## World"], type: :ol)
["1. Hello",  "   1. World"]

Oftentimes the level of headlines is adapted for output, e.g. ### for the top and ##### for the second level.

render accounts for that

iex(3)> render(["### Alpha", "ignored", "##### Alpha.1", "", "### Beta"])
["- Alpha", "  - Alpha.1", "- Beta"]
Remove Gaps

Sometimes there will be gaps in the levels of headlines and these holes might not reflect semantic but rather stylistic concerns, if this is the case the option remove_gaps can be set to true

iex(4)> render(["# First", "### Third (but will go to second level)", "## Second"], remove_gaps: true)
["- First", "  - Third (but will go to second level)", "  - Second"]
Github README Links

This is all nice, however a TOC is most useful if links are provided.

render can render Github like links to within the page, here is a real world example from a Github file

iex(5)> lines = [
...(5)>         "## Usage",
...(5)>         "### API",
...(5)>         "#### EarmarkParser.as_ast/2",
...(5)>         "### Support",
...(5)> ]
...(5)> render(lines, gh_links: true)
  "- [Usage](#usage)",
  "  - [API](#api)",
  "    - [EarmarkParser.as_ast/2](#earmarkparseras_ast2)",
  "  - [Support](#support)",


Sometimes it might be appropriate to generate HTML directly

iex(6)> render(["## One", "### Two"], format: :html)
["<ul>", "<li>One<ul>", "<li>Two</li>", "</ul></li>", "</ul>"]
Exlcuding levels and changing list styles

Let us examine these two options with HTML output, they work too for Markdown of course, but are meaningless with the more raw output formats

So we do not want to include levels greater than, say 3, and we also want to ignore top level headlines, probably because only one top level part has sublevels

iex(7)> document = [
...(7)> "# Ignore",
...(7)> "# Too, but not what's below",
...(7)> "## Synopsis",
...(7)> "## Description",
...(7)> "### API",
...(7)> "#### too detailed",
...(7)> "### Tips & Tricks",
...(7)> "# Ignored again"
...(7)> ]
...(7)> render(document, format: :html, min_level: 2, max_level: 3, start: 5, type: :ol)
  ~S{<ol start="5">},
  ~S{<li>Tips &amp; Tricks</li>},


Either a linear PushList

iex(8)> render(["# I", "## I.1", "## I.2", "### I.2.(i)", "# II", "### II.1.(ii)"], format: :push_list)
["I", :open, "I.1", "I.2", :open, "I.2.(i)", :close, :close, "II", :open, :open, "II.1.(ii)", :close, :close]

AST tree

iex(9)> render(["# I", "## I.1", "## I.2", "### I.2.(i)", "# II", "### II.1.(ii)"], format: :ast)
["I", ["I.1", "I.2", ["I.2.(i)"]], "II", [["II.1.(ii)"]]]

Unsupported Formats

iex(9)> render(["# Does not really matter"], format: :unknown)
{:error, "Unsupported format: unknown in render"}