View Source Exzeitable.HTML.ActionButton (Exzeitable v0.6.8)
For the actions buttons such as :new, :edit etc, as well as custom buttons.
Custom buttons can be added to the list in :action_buttons
action_buttons: [:new, :edit, :super_cool_custom_action]
You can then define the function called for that action in the module where the table is defined. Don't forget to add your csrf_token.
def super_cool_custom_action(socket, item, csrf_token) do
link "SUPER AWESOME", to: Routes.super_cool_path(socket, :custom_action, item), "data-confirm": "Are you sure?", csrf_token: csrf_token
Builds an individual button, takes an atom representing the action, and the assigns map
Gets the parent that the nested resource belongs to
@type action() :: :new | :delete | :show | :edit
Controller action
@type assigns() :: %{ socket: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t(), params: Exzeitable.Params.t() }
Builds an individual button, takes an atom representing the action, and the assigns map
@spec parent_for( struct(), Exzeitable.Params.t() ) :: struct()
Gets the parent that the nested resource belongs to