faktory_worker v1.0.0 FaktoryWorker.Job View Source

The FaktoryWorker.Job module is used to perform jobs in the background by sending to and fetching from Faktory.

To build a worker you must use the job module within a module in your application.

defmodule MyApp.SomeWorker do
  use FaktoryWorker.Job

This will bring in all of the functionality required to perform jobs via Faktory. The MyApp.SomeWorker will now have a perform_async/2 function available for sending jobs to Faktory. Before this function can be called, a perform function must be defined. This function must accept the same number of arguments that are being sent to Faktory via the perform_async/2 function.

defmodule MyApp.SomeWorker do
  use FaktoryWorker.Job

  def perform(job_arg) do

With this in place it is now possible to send work to Faktory and the MyApp.SomeWorker will fetch the job and call the perform/1 function with the same job arguments that we sent.

> MyApp.SomeWorker.perform_async("job arg")

It is also possible to send multiple arguments for a single job by passing in a list of values to the perform_async/2 function.

> MyApp.SomeWorker.perform_async(["job arg1", "job arg2"])

In order for the job to be performed correctly, a perform/2 function needs to be defined within the MyApp.SomeWorker module.

defmodule MyApp.SomeWorker do
  use FaktoryWorker.Job

  def perform(job_arg1, job_arg2) do
    do_some_work(job_arg1, job_arg2)

When defining perform functions, they must always accept one argument for each item in the list of values passed into perform_async/2.

Worker Configuration

A list of options can be specified when using the the FaktoryWorker.Job module. These options will be used when sending jobs to faktory and will apply to all jobs sent with the perform_async/2 function.

For a full list of configuration options see the Worker Configuration documentation.

Overriding Worker Configuration

The perform_async/2 function accepts a keyword list as its second argument. This list has the same options available that the FaktoryWorker.Job module accepts. Any options passed into this function override the options that have been set on the worker module.

For a full list of configuration options see the Worker Configuration documentation.

Data Serialization

Faktory expects all values to be serialized in JSON format. FaktoryWorker uses Jason for serialization. This means only values that implement the Jason.Encoder protocol are valid when calling the perform_async/2 function.