FatEcto v0.5.0 FatEcto.FatQuery.FatWhere View Source

Where supports multiple query methods.

=> like


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map.


iex> query_opts = %{
...>   "$select" => %{"$fields" => ["phone", "designation", "experience_years"]},
...>   "$where" => %{"designation" => %{"$like" => "%Joh %"}}
...> }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatDoctor, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatDoctor, where: like(fragment("(?)::TEXT", f0.designation), ^"%Joh %") and ^true, select: map(f0, [:phone, :designation, :experience_years])>


  • $select- Select the fields from doctor.
  • $like- Added the like attribute in the where query.

=> iLike


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>   "$select" => %{"$fields" => ["phone", "designation", "experience_years"]},
...>   "$where" => %{"designation" => %{"$ilike" => "%surge %"}},
...>   "$order" => %{"rating" => "$asc"}
...> }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatDoctor, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatDoctor, where: ilike(fragment("(?)::TEXT", f0.designation), ^"%surge %") and ^true, order_by: [asc: f0.rating], select: map(f0, [:phone, :designation, :experience_years])>


  • $select- Select the fields from doctor.
  • $ilike- Added the ilike attribute in the where query.
  • $order- Sort the result based on the order attribute.

=> notLike


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>  "$select" => %{
...>    "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
...>    "fat_rooms" => ["name", "floor"],
...>   },
...>  "$where" => %{"location" => %{"$not_like" => "%street2 %"}},
...>  "$order" => %{"id" => "$desc"}
...> }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, where: not(like(fragment("(?)::TEXT", f0.location), ^"%street2 %")) and ^true, order_by: [desc: f0.id], select: map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, {:fat_rooms, [:name, :floor]}])>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital and rooms.
  • $not_like- Added the notlike attribute in the where query.
  • $order- Sort the result based on the order attribute.

=> notILike


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>  "$select" => %{
...>    "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"]
...>   },
...>  "$where" => %{"location" => %{"$not_ilike" => "%street2 %"}},
...>  "$group" => "rating"
...> }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, where: not(ilike(fragment("(?)::TEXT", f0.location), ^"%street2 %")) and ^true, group_by: [f0.rating], select: map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating])>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital and rooms.
  • $not_ilike- Added the notilike attribute in the where query.
  • $group- Added the group_by attribute in the query.

=> lessThan


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>    "$select" => %{
...>     "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"]
...>    },
...>   "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$lt" => 4}}
...>  }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, where: f0.rating < ^4 and ^true, select: map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating])>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital.
  • $lt- Added the lessthan attribute in the where query.

=> lessThan the other field


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>   "$select" => %{
...>      "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"]
...>    },
...>    "$where" => %{"total_staff" => %{"$lt" => "$rating"}},
...>    "$order" => %{"id" => "$desc"}
...>  }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, where: f0.total_staff < f0.rating and ^true, order_by: [desc: f0.id], select: map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating])>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital.
  • $lt: :$field- Added the lessthan attribute in the where query.
  • $order- Sort the result based on the order attribute.

=> lessThanEqual


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>   "$select" => %{
...>     "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
...>     "fat_rooms" => ["name", "floor"]
...>    },
...>   "$where" => %{"total_staff" => %{"$lte" => 3}},
...>  }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, where: f0.total_staff <= ^3 and ^true, select: map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, {:fat_rooms, [:name, :floor]}])>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital and rooms.
  • $lte- Added the lessthanequal attribute in the where query.

=> lessThanEqual the other field


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>  "$select" => %{
...>    "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
...>    "fat_rooms" => ["name", "floor"]
...>   },
...>  "$where" => %{"total_staff" => %{"$lte" => "$rating"}},
...>  "$group" => "total_staff"
...> }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, where: f0.total_staff <= f0.rating and ^true, group_by: [f0.total_staff], select: map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, {:fat_rooms, [:name, :floor]}])>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital and rooms.
  • $lte: :$field- Added the lessthanequal attribute in the where query.
  • $group- Added the group_by attribute in the query.

=> greaterThan


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>  "$select" => %{
...>   "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
...>   "fat_rooms" => ["name", "floor"]
...>  },
...>  "$where" => %{"total_staff" => %{"$gt" => 4}},
...>  "$group" => "total_staff",
...>  "$order" => %{"rating" => "$desc"}
...> }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, where: f0.total_staff > ^4 and ^true, group_by: [f0.total_staff], order_by: [desc: f0.rating], select: map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, {:fat_rooms, [:name, :floor]}])>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital and rooms.
  • $gt- Added the lessthan attribute in the where query.
  • $group- Added the group_by attribute in the query.
  • $order- Sort the result based on the order attribute.

=> greaterThan the other field


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>  "$select" => %{
...>   "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
...>   "fat_rooms" => ["name", "floor"]
...>  },
...>  "$where" => %{"total_staff" => %{"$gt" => "$rating"}},
...>  "$include" => %{
...>    "fat_doctors" => %{
...>      "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$lt" => 3}},
...>      "$order" => %{"id" => "$desc"}
...>    }
...>   }
...> }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, left_join: f1 in assoc(f0, :fat_doctors), where: f0.total_staff > f0.rating and ^true, where: f1.rating < ^3 and ^true, order_by: [desc: f1.id], limit: ^34, offset: ^0, select: map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, {:fat_rooms, [:name, :floor]}]), preload: [[:fat_doctors]]>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital.
  • $gt: :$field- Added the greaterthan attribute in the where query.
  • $include- Include the assoication model doctors.
  • $lt- Added the lessthan attribute in the where query inside include.

=> greaterThanEqual


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>  "$select" => %{
...>   "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
...>   "fat_rooms" => ["name", "floor"]
...>  },
...>  "$where" => %{"total_staff" => %{"$gte" => 5}},
...>  "$include" => %{
...>   "fat_doctors" => %{
...>    "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$lte" => 3}},
...>   }
...>  }
...> }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, left_join: f1 in assoc(f0, :fat_doctors), where: f0.total_staff >= ^5 and ^true, where: f0.rating <= ^3 and ^true, limit: ^34, offset: ^0, select: map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, {:fat_rooms, [:name, :floor]}]), preload: [[:fat_doctors]]>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital and rooms.
  • $gte- Added the greaterthanequal attribute in the where query.
  • $include- Include the assoication model doctors.
  • $lte- Added the lessthanequal attribute in the where query inside include.

=> greaterThanEqual the other field


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>  "$select" => %{
...>    "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
...>    "fat_rooms" => ["name", "floor"]
...>   },
...>  "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$gte" => "$total_staff"}},
...>  "$include" => %{
...>    "fat_doctors" => %{
...>      "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$gte" => 3}},
...>      "$order" => %{"rating" => "$asc"}
...>     }
...>   }
...> }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, left_join: f1 in assoc(f0, :fat_doctors), where: f0.rating >= f0.total_staff and ^true, where: f1.rating >= ^3 and ^true, order_by: [asc: f1.rating], limit: ^34, offset: ^0, select: map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, {:fat_rooms, [:name, :floor]}]), preload: [[:fat_doctors]]>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital and rooms.
  • $gte: :$field- Added the greaterthanequal attribute in the where query.
  • $include- Include the assoication model doctors.
  • $gte- Added the greaterthanequal attribute in the where query inside include.
  • $order- Sort the result based on the order attribute.

=> between


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>  "$select" => %{
...>   "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
...>   "fat_rooms" => ["name", "floor"]
...>  },
...>  "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$between" => [10, 20]}},
...>  "$include" => %{
...>    "fat_doctors" => %{
...>      "$include" => ["fat_patients"],
...>      "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$gte" => "$total_staff"}},
...>      "$order" => %{"rating" => "$asc"}
...>    }
...>   }
...> }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, left_join: f1 in assoc(f0, :fat_doctors), where: f0.rating > ^10 and f0.rating < ^20 and ^true, where: f1.rating >= f1.total_staff and ^true, order_by: [asc: f1.rating], limit: ^34, offset: ^0, select: map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, {:fat_rooms, [:name, :floor]}]), preload: [[fat_doctors: [:fat_patients]]]>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital and rooms.
  • $between: :$field- Added the between attribute in the where query.
  • $include- Include the assoication model doctors and patients.
  • $gte- Added the greaterthanequal attribute in the where query inside include.
  • $order- Sort the result based on the order attribute.

=> not_between


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...> "$select" => %{
...>   "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
...>   "fat_rooms" => ["name", "floor"]
...>   },
...>  "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$not_between" => [10, 20]}},
...>  "$include" => %{
...>    "fat_doctors" => %{
...>      "$include" => ["fat_patients"],
...>      "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$between" => [20, 30]}},
...>      "$order" => %{"experience_years" => "$asc"}
...>    }
...>   }
...>  }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, left_join: f1 in assoc(f0, :fat_doctors), where: (f0.rating < ^10 or f0.rating > ^20) and ^true, where: f1.rating > ^20 and f1.rating < ^30 and ^true, order_by: [asc: f1.experience_years], limit: ^34, offset: ^0, select: map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, {:fat_rooms, [:name, :floor]}]), preload: [[fat_doctors: [:fat_patients]]]>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital and rooms.
  • $not_between: :$field- Added the notbetween attribute in the where query.
  • $include- Include the assoication model doctors and patients.
  • $between- Added the between attribute in the where query inside include.
  • $order- Sort the result based on the order attribute.

=> in


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>   "$select" => %{
...>    "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
...>    "fat_rooms" => ["name", "floor"]
...>   },
...>   "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$in" => [10, 20]}},
...>   "$include" => %{
...>     "fat_doctors" => %{
...>      "$include" => ["fat_patients"],
...>      "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$not_between" => [20, 30]}},
...>      "$order" => %{"experience_years" => "$asc"}
...>     }
...>    },
...>    "$right_join" => %{
...>     "fat_rooms" => %{
...>      "$on_field" => "id",
...>      "$on_table_field" => "hospital_id",
...>      "$select" => ["name", "purpose", "floor"],
...>      "$where" => %{"floor" => %{"$gte" => 2}}
...>    }
...>   }
...>  }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, right_join: f1 in "fat_rooms", on: f0.id == f1.hospital_id, left_join: f2 in assoc(f0, :fat_doctors), where: f0.rating in ^[10, 20] and ^true, where: f1.floor >= ^2 and ^true, where: (f2.rating < ^20 or f2.rating > ^30) and ^true, order_by: [asc: f2.experience_years], limit: ^34, offset: ^0, select: merge(map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, {:fat_rooms, [:name, :floor]}]), %{^"fat_rooms" => map(f1, [:name, :purpose, :floor])}), preload: [[fat_doctors: [:fat_patients]]]>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital and rooms.
  • $right_join: :$select- Select the fields from rooms.
  • $right_join- Right join the table rooms.
  • $gte: :$field- Added the greaterthanequal attribute in the where query inside join.
  • $include- Include the assoication model doctors and patients.
  • $not_between- Added the notbetween in the where query inside include .
  • $in- Added the in attribute in the where query.
  • $order- Sort the result based on the order attribute.

=> not_in


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>  "$select" => %{
...>   "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
...>   "fat_rooms" => ["name", "floor"]
...>  },
...>  "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$not_in" => [10, 20]}},
...>  "$include" => %{
...>    "fat_doctors" => %{
...>     "$include" => ["fat_patients"],
...>     "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$not_between" => [20, 30]}},
...>     "$order" => %{"rating" => "$desc"}
...>    }
...>   },
...>  "$right_join" => %{
...>    "fat_rooms" => %{
...>      "$on_field" => "id",
...>      "$on_table_field" => "hospital_id",
...>      "$select" => ["name", "floor", "is_active"],
...>      "$where" => %{"floor" => %{"$not_in" => [5, 15]}}
...>     }
...>   }
...>  }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, right_join: f1 in "fat_rooms", on: f0.id == f1.hospital_id, left_join: f2 in assoc(f0, :fat_doctors), where: f0.rating not in ^[10, 20] and ^true, where: f1.floor not in ^[5, 15] and ^true, where: (f2.rating < ^20 or f2.rating > ^30) and ^true, order_by: [desc: f2.rating], limit: ^34, offset: ^0, select: merge(map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, {:fat_rooms, [:name, :floor]}]), %{^"fat_rooms" => map(f1, [:name, :floor, :is_active])}), preload: [[fat_doctors: [:fat_patients]]]>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital and rooms.
  • $right_join: :$select- Select the fields from rooms.
  • $right_join- Right join the table rooms.
  • $not_in- Added the notin attribute in the where query inside join.
  • $include- Include the assoication model doctors and patients.
  • $not_between- Added the notbetween in the where query inside include .
  • $not_in- Added the in attribute in the where query.
  • $order- Sort the result based on the order attribute.

=> is_nil


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>  "$select" => %{
...>   "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
...>   "fat_rooms" => ["floor", "name"]
...>  },
...>  "$where" => %{"rating" => nil},
...>  "$include" => %{
...>    "fat_doctors" => %{
...>     "$include" => ["fat_patients"],
...>     "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$between" => [20, 30]}},
...>     "$order" => %{"experience_years" => "$desc"}
...>    }
...>   },
...>  "$right_join" => %{
...>    "fat_rooms" => %{
...>      "$on_field" => "id",
...>      "$on_table_field" => "hospital_id",
...>      "$select" => ["name", "floor", "is_active"],
...>      "$where" => %{"floor" => %{"$in" => [5, 15]}},
...>      "$order" => %{"id" => "$asc"}
...>     }
...>   }
...>  }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, right_join: f1 in "fat_rooms", on: f0.id == f1.hospital_id, left_join: f2 in assoc(f0, :fat_doctors), where: is_nil(f0.rating) and ^true, where: f1.floor in ^[5, 15] and ^true, where: f2.rating > ^20 and f2.rating < ^30 and ^true, order_by: [asc: f1.id], order_by: [desc: f2.experience_years], limit: ^34, offset: ^0, select: merge(map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, {:fat_rooms, [:floor, :name]}]), %{^"fat_rooms" => map(f1, [:name, :floor, :is_active])}), preload: [[fat_doctors: [:fat_patients]]]>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital and rooms.
  • $right_join: :$select- Select the fields from rooms.
  • $right_join- Right join the table rooms.
  • $in- Added the in attribute in the where query inside join.
  • $include- Include the assoication model doctors and patients.
  • $between- Added the between in the where query inside include .
  • nil- Added the nil attribute in the where query.
  • $order- Sort the result based on the order attribute.
  • $right_join: :$order- Sort the result based on the order attribute inside join.

=> not_null


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>  "$select" => %{
...>   "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
...>   "fat_rooms" => ["name", "floor"]
...>  },
...>  "$where" => %{"$not_null" => ["total_staff"]},
...>  "$include" => %{
...>    "fat_doctors" => %{
...>     "$include" => ["fat_patients"],
...>     "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$in" => [20, 30]}},
...>     "$order" => %{"rating" => "$asc"},
...>     "$select" => ["name", "designation", "phone"]
...>    }
...>   },
...>  "$right_join" => %{
...>    "fat_rooms" => %{
...>      "$on_field" => "id",
...>      "$on_table_field" => "hospital_id",
...>      "$select" => ["name", "floor", "is_active"],
...>      "$where" => %{"name" => nil},
...>      "$order" => %{"id" => "$asc"}
...>     }
...>   }
...> }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, right_join: f1 in "fat_rooms", on: f0.id == f1.hospital_id, left_join: f2 in assoc(f0, :fat_doctors), where: not(is_nil(f0.total_staff)) and ^true, where: is_nil(f1.name) and ^true, where: f2.rating in ^[20, 30] and ^true, order_by: [asc: f1.id], order_by: [asc: f2.rating], limit: ^34, offset: ^0, select: merge(map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, {:fat_rooms, [:name, :floor]}]), %{^"fat_rooms" => map(f1, [:name, :floor, :is_active])}), preload: [[fat_doctors: [:fat_patients]]]>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital and rooms.
  • $right_join: :$select- Select the fields from rooms.
  • $include: :$select- Select the fields from doctors.
  • $right_join- Right join the table rooms.
  • nil- Added the nil attribute in the where query inside join.
  • $include- Include the assoication model doctors and patients.
  • $in- Added the in attribute in the where query inside include .
  • $not_null- Added the notnil attribute in the where query.
  • $order- Sort the result based on the order attribute.
  • $right_join: :$order- Sort the result based on the order attribute inside join.

=> field


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...> "$select" => %{
...>   "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
...>   "fat_rooms" => ["name", "floor"]
...>  },
...>  "$where" => %{"name" => "saint claire"},
...>  "$group" => "rating",
...>  "$include" => %{
...>    "fat_doctors" => %{
...>     "$include" => ["fat_patients"],
...>     "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$gt" => 5}},
...>     "$order" => %{"experience_years" => "$desc"},
...>     "$select" => ["name", "designation", "phone"]
...>    }
...>   },
...>  "$right_join" => %{
...>    "fat_rooms" => %{
...>      "$on_field" => "id",
...>      "$on_table_field" => "hospital_id",
...>      "$select" => ["floor", "name", "is_active"],
...>      "$where" => %{"floor" => 10},
...>      "$order" => %{"id" => "$asc"}
...>     }
...>   }
...> }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, right_join: f1 in "fat_rooms", on: f0.id == f1.hospital_id, left_join: f2 in assoc(f0, :fat_doctors), where: f0.name == ^"saint claire" and ^true, where: f1.floor == ^10 and ^true, where: f2.rating > ^5 and ^true, group_by: [f0.rating], order_by: [asc: f1.id], order_by: [desc: f2.experience_years], limit: ^34, offset: ^0, select: merge(map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, {:fat_rooms, [:name, :floor]}]), %{^"fat_rooms" => map(f1, [:floor, :name, :is_active])}), preload: [[fat_doctors: [:fat_patients]]]>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital and rooms.
  • $right_join: :$select- Select the fields from rooms.
  • $include: :$select- Select the fields from doctors.
  • $right_join- Right join the table rooms.
  • $include- Include the assoication model doctors and patients.
  • $gt- Added the greaterthan attribute in the where query inside include .
  • $order- Sort the result based on the order attribute.
  • $right_join: :$order- Sort the result based on the order attribute inside join.
  • $group- Added the group_by attribute in the query.

Link to this section Summary


Build a where query depending on the params.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

build_where(queryable, where_params, build_options, opts \\ [])

View Source

Build a where query depending on the params.


  • queryable - Ecto Queryable that represents your schema name, table name or query.
  • query_opts - Include query options as a map


iex> query_opts = %{
...>  "$select" => %{
...>    "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
...>    "fat_rooms" => ["name", "floor"]
...>  },
...>  "$order" => %{"id" => "$desc"},
...>  "$where" => %{"location" => %{"$not_like" => "%addre %"}},
...>  "$group" => "total_staff"
...> }
iex> Elixir.MyApp.Query.build!(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
#Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, where: not(like(fragment("(?)::TEXT", f0.location), ^"%addre %")) and ^true, group_by: [f0.total_staff], order_by: [desc: f0.id], select: map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, {:fat_rooms, [:name, :floor]}])>


  • $select- Select the fields from hospital and rooms.
  • $where- Added the where attribute in the query.
  • $not_like- Added the notlike attribute in the where query.
  • $group- Added the group_by attribute in the query.
  • $order- Sort the result based on the order attribute.