View Source FatEcto (FatEcto v1.0.0)
Currently it's supporting following query functions:
- where
- where_or
- select
- joins
- order_by
- include
- group_by
- aggregate
- distinct
Where include methods from Ecto.Query.API. These are the options where supports.
function | Description |
like | matches the substring with the attribute in the database. "$like" . |
notlike | return result where value in the substring doesn't match. "$not_like" . |
ilike | matches the substring passed with the attribute in the database "$ilike" . |
notiLike | return result where value in the substring doesn't match."$not_ilike" . |
lessthan | fetch result where value is less than the numerical value "$lt" (also apply on non_numerical fields). |
lessthanequal | fetch result where value is less than equal to the numerical value "$lte" (also apply on non_numerical fields. |
greaterthan | fetch result where value is greater than the numerical value "$gt " (also apply on non_numerical fields.) |
greaterthanequal | fetch result where value is greater than equal to the numerical value "gte" (also apply on non_numerical fields. |
between | [] ,fetch the result where value is between the provided attributes. "$between" . |
betweenequal | [] ,fetch the result where value is equal and between the provided attributes. "$between_equal" . |
notbetween | [] ,fetch the result where value is not between the provided list attributes. "$not_between" . |
notbetweenequal | [] ,fetch the result where value is not equal and between the provided list attributes. "$not_between_equal" . |
in | [] ,fetch result where value is in the the provided list attributes. "$in" . |
notin | [] ,fetch result where value is not in the the provided list attributes. "$not_in" . |
contains | [] ,fetch the key from the josnb field and see if it contains the value. "$contains" . |
containany | [] ,fetch the key from the josnb field and see if it contains any of the values passed. "$contains_any" . |
isnil | value is nil. "nil" . |
notisnil | value is not nil. "$not_null" . |
query_ opts = %{
"$where" => %{
"name" => "%Joh%",
"location" => nil,
"$not_null" => ["total_staff", "address", "phone"],
"rating" => "$not_null",
"total_staff" => %{"$between" => [1, 3]}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query< from(f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital,
f0.total_staff > ^1 and f0.total_staff < ^3 and
(not is_nil(f0.rating) and
( == ^"%Joh%" and
(is_nil(f0.location) and
(not is_nil( and
(not is_nil(f0.address) and (not is_nil(f0.total_staff) and ^true))))))
query_ opts = %{
"$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$lte" => "$total_staff"}}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatHospital,
where: f.rating <= f.total_staff and ^true>
Add or clause in the where when building a query.where_or is useful when you want to add multiple or conditions in the where conditional.
query_opts = %{
"$where" => %{
"$or" => %{
"name" => %{"$like" => "%Joh%"},
"total_staff" => %{"$between_equal" => [5, 7]}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from(f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital,
(f0.total_staff >= ^5 and f0.total_staff <= ^7) or
(like(fragment("(?)::TEXT",, ^"%Joh%") or ^true))>
Select fields from the schema as well as from the associated schemas. You can pass fields as a list or in a map.
query_opts = %{
"$select" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
"$order" => %{"id" => "$desc"}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatHospital, order_by: [desc:],
select: map(f, [:name, :location, :rating])>
query_ opts = %{
"$select" => %{
"$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
"fat_rooms" => ["beds", "capacity"]
"$where" => %{"id" => 2}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatHospital, where: == ^2 and ^true,
select: map(f, [:name, :location, :rating, :id, {:fat_rooms, [:beds, :capacity]}])>
Joins with another table on the type of join you passed in the params. It supports where , select, order_by, group_by . Additionally, it also supports additional_on_clauses. Supported Join types are:
- inner
- left
- right
- full
query_opts = %{
"$select" => %{"$fields" => ["designation", "experience_years"]},
"$full_join" => %{
"fat_patients" => %{
"$on_field" => "id",
"$on_table_field" => "doctor_id",
"$where" => %{"location" => "bullavard"},
"$select" => ["name", "prescription"],
"$order" => %{"appointments_count" => "$asc"},
"$group" => "experience_years"
iex> build(FatEcto.FatDoctor, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatDoctor, full_join: f1 in "fat_patients",
on: == f1.doctor_id, where: f1.location == ^"bullavard" and ^true,
group_by: [f1.experience_years], order_by: [asc: f1.appointments_count],
select: merge(merge(map(f0, [:designation, :experience_years]), %{^"fat_patients" => map(f1, [:name, :prescription])}), %{"$group" => %{^"experience_years" => map(f1, [:name, :prescription]).experience_years}})>
query_opts = %{
"$inner_join" => %{
"fat_rooms" => %{
"$on_field" => "id",
"$on_table_field" => "hospital_id",
"$additional_on_clauses" => %{
"rating" => %{"$not_between" => [1, 3]},
"total_staff" => %{"$not_between_equal" => [4, 5]}
"$select" => ["beds", "capacity", "level"],
"$where" => %{"incharge" => "John"}
"$where" => %{"rating" => 3}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from(
h in FatEcto.FatHospital,
where: h.rating == ^3 and ^true,
inner_join: r in "fat_rooms",
on: == r.hospital_id and
((h.total_staff <= ^4 or h.total_staff >= ^5) and ((h.rating < ^1 or h.rating > ^3) and ^true)),
where: r.incharge == ^"John" and ^true,
select: %{^"fat_rooms" => map(r, [:beds, :capacity, :level])}
order_by returns the query by sort the results as asc or desc order.
query_opts = %{
"$select" => %{
"$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
"fat_rooms" => ["beds", "capacity"]
"$order" => %{"id" => "$desc"}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatHospital, order_by: [desc:],
select: map(f, [:name, :location, :rating, :id, {:fat_rooms, [:beds, :capacity]}])>
query_ opts = %{
"$select" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
"$order" => %{"id" => "$asc"}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatHospital, order_by: [asc:],
select: map(f, [:name, :location, :rating])>
include preload tables based on the conditions passed in the query params. You can specify the where , order_by , join, group_by in the include for the associated tables. You can also use nested include to preload nested relationships.
query_opts = %{
"$include" => %{
"fat_hospitals" => %{"$include" => %{"fat_rooms" => %{"$include" => ["fat_hospital", "fat_beds"]}}},
"fat_patients" => %{
"$include" => %{
"fat_doctors" => %{
"$include" => %{"fat_hospitals" => %{"$include" => "fat_rooms", "$where" => %{"name" => "Joh"}}}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatDoctor, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from(f0 in FatEcto.FatDoctor,
left_join: f1 in assoc(f0, :fat_hospitals),
left_join: f2 in assoc(f1, :fat_rooms),
left_join: f3 in assoc(f0, :fat_patients),
left_join: f4 in assoc(f3, :fat_doctors),
left_join: f5 in assoc(f4, :fat_hospitals),
where: == ^"Joh" and ^true,
limit: ^34,
offset: ^0,
preload: [
fat_patients: [fat_doctors: [fat_hospitals: :fat_rooms]],
fat_hospitals: [fat_rooms: [:fat_hospital, :fat_beds]]
group_by groups together rows from the schema that have the same values in the given fields. It also supports multiple group_by fields in a list.
query_opts = %{
"$inner_join" => %{
"fat_rooms" => %{
"$on_field" => "id",
"$on_table_field" => "hospital_id",
"$select" => ["beds", "capacity", "level"],
"$where" => %{"incharge" => "John"}
"$where" => %{"rating" => 3},
"$group" => ["rating", "total_staff"]
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, join: f1 in "fat_rooms",
on: == f1.hospital_id, where: f0.rating == ^3 and ^true,
where: f1.incharge == ^"John" and ^true, group_by: [f0.rating],
group_by: [f0.total_staff],
select: merge(f0, %{^:fat_rooms => map(f1, [:beds, :capacity, :level])})>
query_opts = %{
"$select" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
"$order" => %{"id" => "$asc"},
"$group" => "rating"
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatHospital, group_by: [f.rating],
order_by: [asc:], select: map(f, [:name, :location, :rating])>
Aggregate supports aggregate methods that can be passed as a string or a list.
function | Description |
max | Select the maximum value from the records matching the query. "$max" . |
min | Select the minimum value from the records matching the query. "$min" . |
avg | Calculates the average from the records matching the query. "$avg" . |
count | Counts the given entry based on the query passed. "$count" |
count_distinct | Counts the distinct values in given entry based on the query passed."$count_distinct" . |
sum | Calculates the sum for the given entry based on the query passed. $sum . |
query_opts = %{
"$aggregate" => %{"$max" => "nurses", "$min" => "capacity"},
"$where" => %{"capacity" => 5},
"$group" => "capacity"
iex> build(FatEcto.FatRoom, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from(f0 in FatEcto.FatRoom,
where: f0.capacity == ^5 and ^true,
group_by: [f0.capacity],
merge(merge(f0, %{"$aggregate" => %{"$max": %{^"nurses" => max(f0.nurses)}}}), %{
"$aggregate" => %{"$min": %{^"capacity" => min(f0.capacity)}}
%{"$group" => %{^"capacity" => f0.capacity}})
query_opts = %{
"$aggregate" => %{"$sum" => ["nurses", "beds"], "$avg" => ["capacity", "nurses"]},
"$where" => %{"capacity" => 5},
"$group" => "capacity"
iex> build(FatEcto.FatRoom, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from(from(f0 in FatEcto.FatRoom,
where: f0.capacity == ^5 and ^true,
group_by: [f0.capacity],
merge(merge(f0, %{"$aggregate" => %{"$avg": %{^"capacity" => avg(f0.capacity)}}}), %{
"$aggregate" => %{"$avg": %{^"nurses" => avg(f0.nurses)}}
%{"$aggregate" => %{"$sum": %{^"nurses" => sum(f0.nurses)}}}
%{"$aggregate" => %{"$sum": %{^"beds" => sum(f0.beds)}}}
%{"$group" => %{^"capacity" => f0.capacity}}
Adds distinct query expression to avoid duplication of records. You can pass the distinct field name or true.
query_opts = %{
"$distinct" => "name"
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, opts)
iex> Ecto.Query<from(h in FatEcto.FatHospital, distinct: [asc:])>
query_opts = %{
"$distinct" => true
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, opts)
iex> Ecto.Query<from(h in FatEcto.FatHospital, distinct: true)>
You have to pass "$distinct_nested => true"
alongwith "$distinct => true"
if there are multiple order_by clauses in your query.
FAT allows to restrict the number of results you want to return from the repo. You can define limit as limit and offset as skip in the config.
opts = %{
"$select" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
"$order" => %{"id" => "$asc"},
"$group" => "rating",
"$limit" => 20,
"$skip" => 0
If no limit is defined then FAT automatically uses default_limit
. For this to work you have to define the default_limit in fat_ecto config.
see docs for more info.
Blacklist params
Fat ecto provides you control to restrict access to specific fields of different tables in your database. You have to set these fields in your fat ecto config. If these fields are present in the query, fat ecto will raise an error.
query_opts = %{
"$select" => %{
"$fields" => ["name", "purpose", "description"],
"fat_beds" => ["purpose", "description"]
"$where" => %{"id" =>}
iex>!(FatEcto.FatRoom, query_opts)
iex> ** (ArgumentError) the fields ["description"] of fat_rooms are not allowed in the query