View Source FatUtils.Table (FatEcto v1.0.0)

Provides utility functions for working with database tables.

This module includes functions to generate SQL queries for common table operations, such as resetting the ID sequence of a table.



Generates a SQL query to reset the ID sequence of a given table.


reset_id_seq_query(table, id \\ "id")

@spec reset_id_seq_query(table :: String.t() | atom(), id :: String.t() | atom()) ::

Generates a SQL query to reset the ID sequence of a given table.


  • table: The name of the table as a string or atom.
  • id: The name of the ID column as a string or atom. Defaults to "id".


iex> FatUtils.Table.reset_id_seq_query("users")
"SELECT setval('users_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) from "users"));"

iex> FatUtils.Table.reset_id_seq_query("posts", "post_id")
"SELECT setval('posts_post_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(post_id) from "posts"));"


  • Ensure that the table has no records or that the sequence reset is appropriate for your use case.
  • This function only generates the SQL query. You need to execute it using your database driver or migration tool.