View Source SanitizeRecordsDocs (FatEcto v1.0.0)

This module sanitize the response by removing structs that are not loaded alognwith meta. It supports lists of maps, tuples and map.

 use FatEcto.DataSanitizer, otp_app: :app_name, encoder_library: encode_library



Sanitizes the given record or list of records.


sanitize(record_or_records, opts \\ [])

Sanitizes the given record or list of records.


  • record/records: A map, list of maps, or tuple.
  • opts: A keyword list of options:
    • :mask: A list of keys whose values should be masked (e.g., [card_number: "****"]).
    • :remove: A list of keys to remove from the final result.
    • :only: A list of keys to include in the final result (all others are excluded).
    • :except: A list of keys to exclude from the final result.


iex> record = %{name: "John", card_number: "1234-5678-9012-3456", ssn: "123-45-6789"}
iex> sanitized = FatEcto.TestRecordUtils.sanitize(record, mask: [card_number: "****"], remove: [:ssn])
iex> sanitized
%{name: "John", card_number: "****"}