View Source FileSystem (file_system v1.0.1)
A GenServer
process to watch file system changes.
The process receives data from Port, parse event, and send it to the worker process.
@spec start_link(Keyword.t()) :: GenServer.on_start()
Starts a GenServer
process and linked to the current process.
([string], required), the list of directory to monitor.:backend
(atom, optional), default backends::fs_mac
. Available backends::fs_mac
, and:fs_windows
(atom, optional), thename
of the worker process to subscribe to the file system listener. Alternative to usingpid
of the worker process.Additional backend implementation options. See backend module documents for more details.
Start monitoring /tmp/fs
directory using the default :fs_mac
backend of
the current process:
iex> {:ok, pid} = FileSystem.start_link(dirs: ["/tmp/fs"])
iex> FileSystem.subscribe(pid)
Get instant (latench: 0
) notifications on file changes:
iex> FileSystem.start_link(dirs: ["/path/to/some/files"], latency: 0)
Minitor a directory by a process name:
iex> FileSystem.start_link(backend: :fs_mac, dirs: ["/tmp/fs"], name: :worker)
iex> FileSystem.subscribe(:worker)
@spec subscribe(GenServer.server()) :: :ok
Register the current process as a subscriber of a file_system
The pid
you subscribed from will now receive messages like:
{:file_event, worker_pid, {file_path, events}}
{:file_event, worker_pid, :stop}