Filters (filters v0.1.1)

Models a list of filters to apply to a collection (list) of data items

Link to this section Summary


Add or update an existing filter in the list. Two filters cannot have the same :filter_type and :key.

Filter the provided data with a list of filters

Serialize a list of filters into URL query parameters

Return a filter matching by :filter_type and :key

Create a new set of filters

Return a tuple with the found filter and the remaining ones

Deserialize URL query parameters into a list of filters

Link to this section Types

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@type filters_data() :: [%{required(Filters.Filter.key()) => String.t()}]
@type logic() :: :or | :and
@type t() :: %Filters{
  filters: [%Filters.Filter{filter_type: term(), key: term(), value: term()}],
  logic: logic()

Link to this section Functions

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add_update(fs, f)

Add or update an existing filter in the list. Two filters cannot have the same :filter_type and :key.

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filter(data, filters)

@spec filter(filters_data(), t()) :: filters_data()

Filter the provided data with a list of filters




Text filters

iex> filters =
...> |> Filters.add_update(, :is, "liv"))
iex> Filters.filter([
...>  %{type: "human",   is: "Philip J. Fry"},
...>  %{type: "robot",   is: "Bender Rodriguez"},
...>  %{type: "human",   is: "Turanga Leila"},
...>  %{type: "robot",   is: "R. Daneel Oliva"},
...>  %{type: "drink",   is: "Martini with an olive"},
...>  %{type: "actions", are: "eat, live, think"}
...>  ], filters)
  %{type: "drink", is: "Martini with an olive"},
  %{type: "robot", is: "R. Daneel Oliva"}


Enum filters

iex> filters =
...> |> Filters.add_update(, :type, "human"))
iex> Filters.filter([
...>  %{type: "human", is: "Philip J. Fry"},
...>  %{type: "robot", is: "Bender Rodriguez"},
...>  %{type: "human", is: "Turanga Leila"},
...>  %{type: "humanoid", is: "R. Daneel Oliva"}
...>  ], filters)
  %{type: "human", is: "Turanga Leila"},
  %{type: "human", is: "Philip J. Fry"}


Date filters

iex> filters =
...> |> Filters.add_update(, :birthday, "2042-11-12"))
...> |> Filters.add_update(,   :birthday, "2042-12-12"))
iex> Filters.filter([
...>  %{birthday: "2042-12-11", of: "Bender Rodriguez"},
...>  %{birthday: "2042-11-11", of: "Philip J. Fry"},
...>  %{birthday: "2042-11-12", of: "Turanga Leila"},
...>  %{birthday: "2042-11-13", of: "Hubert Farnsworth"},
...>  %{birthday: "2042-12-12", of: "Amy Wong"},
...>  %{birthday: "2042-12-13", of: "Doctor Zoidberg"},
...>  %{birthday: "2042-12-12", of: "Hermes Conrad"}
...>  ], filters)
  %{birthday: "2042-12-12", of: "Hermes Conrad"},
  %{birthday: "2042-12-12", of: "Amy Wong"},
  %{birthday: "2042-11-13", of: "Hubert Farnsworth"},
  %{birthday: "2042-11-12", of: "Turanga Leila"},
  %{birthday: "2042-12-11", of: "Bender Rodriguez"}


Multiple filters (and logic)

iex> filters =
...> |> Filters.add_update(, :type, "human"))
...> |> Filters.add_update(, :is, "Leila"))
iex> Filters.filter([
...>  %{hello: "world", type: "human", is: "Philip J. Fry"},
...>  %{hello: "world", type: "robot", is: "Bender Rodriguez"},
...>  %{hell: "world",  type: "human", is: "Turanga Leila"},
...>  %{hello: "word",  type: "humanoid", is: "R. Daneel Oliva"}
...>  ], filters)
  %{hell: "world",  type: "human", is: "Turanga Leila"}


Multiple filters (or logic)

iex> filters =
...> |> Filters.add_update(, :type, "human"))
...> |> Filters.add_update(, :is, "Bender"))
iex> Filters.filter([
...>  %{hello: "world", type: "human", is: "Philip J. Fry"},
...>  %{hello: "world", type: "robot", is: "Bender Rodriguez"},
...>  %{hell: "world",  type: "human", is: "Turanga Leila"},
...>  %{hello: "word",  type: "humanoid", is: "R. Daneel Oliva"}
...>  ], filters)
  %{hell: "world",  type: "human", is: "Turanga Leila"},
  %{hello: "world", type: "robot", is: "Bender Rodriguez"},
  %{hello: "world", type: "human", is: "Philip J. Fry"}
Link to this function

filters_to_query(filters, opts \\ [])

Serialize a list of filters into URL query parameters



iex> %Filters{
...>  filters: [
...>    %Filters.Filter{filter_type: :text, key: :genre, value: "industrial metal"},
...>    %Filters.Filter{filter_type: :text, key: :artist, value: "Dance With"}
...>  ],
...>  logic: :and
...> } |> Filters.filters_to_query() |> URI.decode()
"logic=and&genre=text|industrial metal&artist=text|Dance With"

Return a filter matching by :filter_type and :key

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new(logic \\ :and, filters \\ [])

Create a new set of filters

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pop(fs, filter)

@spec pop(t(), Filters.Filter.t()) ::
  {[Filters.Filter.t()] | [], [Filters.Filter.t()]}

Return a tuple with the found filter and the remaining ones

Useful to drop a filter or to update it

Link to this function

query_to_filters(qp, opts \\ [])

Deserialize URL query parameters into a list of filters



iex> "logic=and&genre=text%7Cindustrial%20metal&artist=text%7CDance%20With"
...> |> Filters.query_to_filters(keys: :atoms)
  filters: [
    %Filters.Filter{filter_type: :text, key: :genre, value: "industrial metal"},
    %Filters.Filter{filter_type: :text, key: :artist, value: "Dance With"}
  logic: :and