View Source Finitomata.State (Finitomata v0.25.0)

Carries the state of the FSM.



The map that holds last error which happened on transition (at given state and event).

The payload that has been passed to the FSM instance on startup


The internal representation of the FSM state


Exposes the short excerpt from state of FSM which is log-friendly


@type last_error() ::
    state: Finitomata.Transition.state(),
    event: Finitomata.Transition.event(),
    error: any()
  | nil

The map that holds last error which happened on transition (at given state and event).

@type payload() :: any()

The payload that has been passed to the FSM instance on startup

@type t() :: %Finitomata.State{
  name: Finitomata.fsm_name(),
  lifecycle: :loaded | :created | :unknown,
  persistency: nil | module(),
  listener: nil | module(),
  current: Finitomata.Transition.state(),
  payload: payload(),
  timer: non_neg_integer(),
  history: [Finitomata.Transition.state()],
  last_error: last_error()

The internal representation of the FSM state


Link to this function

excerpt(state, payload? \\ true)

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Exposes the short excerpt from state of FSM which is log-friendly