View Source mix finitomata.generate (Finitomata v0.29.3)

Mix task to generate the Finitomata instance scaffold.

By running mix finitomata.generate --module MyFSM one would be prompted to enter the FSM declartion if ELIXIR_EDITOR environment variable is set, in the same way as does. THen the scaffold implementation (and optionally the test for it) will be generated.

Allowed arguments

  • --module: :string [mandatory] the name of the module to generate, it will be prepended with OtpApp.Finitomata.
  • --syntax: :string [optional, default: :flowchart] the syntax to be used, might be :flowchart, :state_diagram, or a module name for custom implementation
  • --timer: :integer [optional, default: false] whether to use recurrent calls in this FSM implementation
  • --auto-terminate: :boolean [optional, default: false] whether the ending states should lead to auto-termination
  • --listener: :string [optional, default: nil] the listener implementation
  • --impl-for: :string [optional, default: :all] what callbacks should be auto-implemented
  • --generate-test: :boolean [optional, default false] whether the test should be generated as well


mix finitomata.generate --module MyFSM --timer 1000 --auto-terminate true --generate-test true