View Source Flop.Meta (Flop v0.17.0)

Defines a struct for holding meta information of a query result.

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Meta information for a query result.

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@type t() :: %Flop.Meta{
  current_offset: non_neg_integer() | nil,
  current_page: pos_integer() | nil,
  end_cursor: String.t() | nil,
  errors: [{atom(), term()}],
  flop: Flop.t(),
  has_next_page?: boolean(),
  has_previous_page?: boolean(),
  next_offset: non_neg_integer() | nil,
  next_page: pos_integer() | nil,
  page_size: pos_integer() | nil,
  params: %{optional(String.t()) => term()},
  previous_offset: non_neg_integer() | nil,
  previous_page: pos_integer() | nil,
  schema: module() | nil,
  start_cursor: String.t() | nil,
  total_count: non_neg_integer() | nil,
  total_pages: non_neg_integer() | nil

Meta information for a query result.

  • :flop - The Flop struct used in the query.
  • :current_offset - The :offset value used in the query when using offset-based pagination or a derived value when using page-based pagination. Always nil when using cursor-based pagination.
  • :current_page - The :page value used in the query when using page-based pagination or a derived value when using offset-based pagination. Note that the value will be rounded if the offset lies between pages. Always nil when using cursor-based pagination.
  • :errors - Any validation errors that occurred. The format is the same as the result of Ecto.Changeset.traverse_errors(changeset, & &1).
  • :previous_offset, :next_offset, :previous_page, :next_page - Values based on :current_page and :current_offset/page_size. Always nil when using cursor-based pagination.
  • :start_cursor, :end_cursor - The cursors of the first and last record in the result set. Only set when using cursor-based pagination with :first/:after or :last/:before.
  • :has_previous_page?, :has_next_page? - Set in all pagination types. Note that :has_previous_page? is always true when using cursor-based pagination with :first and :after is set; likewise, :has_next_page? is always true when using cursor-based pagination with :before and :last is set.
  • :page_size - The page size or limit of the query. Set to the :first or :last parameter when using cursor-based pagination.
  • :params - The original, unvalidated params that were passed. Only set if validation errors occurred.
  • :total_count - The total count of records for the given query. Always nil when using cursor-based pagination.
  • :total_pages - The total page count based on the total record count and the page size. Always nil when using cursor-based pagination.