Fly (Fly RPC v0.2.0) View Source

Functions and features to help Elixir applications more easily take advantage of the features that provides.

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Return if the app instance is running in the primary region or not. Boolean result.

Return the configured current region. Reads the FLY_REGION ENV setting available when deployed on the platform. When running on a different platform, that ENV value will not be set. Setting the MY_REGION ENV value instructs the node how to identify what "region" it is in. If not set, it returns "local".

Return the configured primary region. Reads and requires an ENV setting for PRIMARY_REGION. If not set, it returns "local".

Execute the MFA on a node in the primary region.

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is_primary?() :: no_return() | boolean()

Return if the app instance is running in the primary region or not. Boolean result.


my_region() :: String.t()

Return the configured current region. Reads the FLY_REGION ENV setting available when deployed on the platform. When running on a different platform, that ENV value will not be set. Setting the MY_REGION ENV value instructs the node how to identify what "region" it is in. If not set, it returns "local".

The value itself is not important. If the value matches the value for the PRIMARY_REGION then it behaves as though it is the primary.


primary_region() :: String.t()

Return the configured primary region. Reads and requires an ENV setting for PRIMARY_REGION. If not set, it returns "local".

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rpc_primary(module, func, args, opts \\ [])

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rpc_primary(module(), atom(), [any()], keyword()) :: any()

Execute the MFA on a node in the primary region.