font_awesome_phoenix v1.0.0 FontAwesomePhoenix.HTML
HTML helper functions for creating Font Awesome tags in Phoenix Framework templates.
Creates a Font Awesome icon tag. The given names
should be the icon name along with
any icon modifiers such as 4x
, fw
or li
in a space-delimited string or a list of strings
Creates a Font Awesome icon tag. The given names
should be the icon name along with
any icon modifiers such as 4x
, fw
or li
in a space-delimited string or a list of strings.
- Where to align the tag next to any given text, default is:left
- Additional classes to add to the icon:data
- Keyword list of data tag items to add to the tag:text
- Additional text to add next to the icon
iex> Elixir.FontAwesomePhoenix.HTML.fa_icon("globe")
{:safe, [?<, "i", " class=\"fa fa-globe\"", ?>, "", ?<, ?/, "i", ?>]}
iex> Elixir.FontAwesomePhoenix.HTML.fa_icon(["globe", "4x", "li"])
[?<, "i", " class=\"fa fa-globe fa-4x fa-li\"", ?>, "", ?<, ?/, "i",
iex> Elixir.FontAwesomePhoenix.HTML.fa_icon("home", text: "Back to Home!")
[?<, "i", " class=\"fa fa-home\"", ?>, "", ?<, ?/, "i", ?>,
" Back to Home!"]}
iex> Elixir.FontAwesomePhoenix.HTML.fa_icon("user-plus", text: "New User", align_tag: :right)
["New User ", ?<, "i", " class=\"fa fa-user-plus\"", ?>, "", ?<, ?/,
"i", ?>]}
iex> Elixir.FontAwesomePhoenix.HTML.fa_icon("location-arrow", data: [gps_enabled: true])
[?<, "i",
" class=\"fa fa-location-arrow\" data-gps-enabled=\"true\"", ?>,
"", ?<, ?/, "i", ?>]}
iex> Elixir.FontAwesomePhoenix.HTML.fa_icon("camera-retro 4x", class: "myclass")
[?<, "i", " class=\"fa fa-camera-retro fa-4x myclass\"", ?>, "", ?<,
?/, "i", ?>]}
iex> Elixir.FontAwesomePhoenix.HTML.fa_icon("at") do
...> EEx.eval_string("<%= \"stuff\" %>")
...> end
[?<, "i", " class=\"fa fa-at\"", ?>, "stuff", ?<, ?/, "i", ?>]}
iex> Elixir.FontAwesomePhoenix.HTML.fa_icon("at", class: "x", data: [mood: :happy]) do
...> Phoenix.HTML.Tag.content_tag(:em, "@")
...> end
[?<, "i", " class=\"fa fa-at x\" data-mood=\"happy\"", ?>,
[?<, "em", "", ?>, "@", ?<, ?/, "em", ?>], ?<, ?/, "i", ?>]}