FunLand.Appliable behaviour (fun_land v0.10.0)

Something is Appliable if you can apply one of it (containing one or multiple functions) with another.

Appliable is mostly born out of the needs to apply a function that is already wrapped in a Mappable:

  • If you had a bare function, you could use to apply it over a Mappable.
  • If however, you have a function already inside a Mappable, a new operation has to be defined to apply it over a Mappable (of the same kind).

This operation is called apply_with/2.

'a function inside a Mappable' is something that happens when you partially apply functions, which isn't that common in Elixir because functions are not automatically curried.

Currying and Partial Application

As apply_with works only applies a single argument per function at a time, it works the best when used with curried functions. In Elixir, functions are no curried by default. Fortunately, there exists the Currying library, which transforms your normal functions into curried functions.

If you want to be able to use Applicative to its fullest potential, instead of calling fun.(b) in your implementation, use Currying.curry(fun).(b)

To be Appliable something also has to be Mappable. To make your data structure Appliable, use use Appliable in its module, and implement both Appliable's apply_with/2 and Mappable's map/2.

Fruit Salad Example

Say we have a bowl with a partiall-made fruit-salad. We have a second bowl, which contains some (peeled) bananas.

We would like to add these bananas to the fruit salad.

This would be easy if we had our partially-made fruit-salad, as we could just map the 'combine a banana with some fruit salad' operation over the bowl of bananas.

However, we don't 'just' have the partially-made fruit-salad, as this would make a big mess of our kitchen countertop. In fact, it is very likely that this bowl-with partially-made fruit salad was the result of combining (mapping) earlier ingredients in bowls.

So, we need something similar to map, but instead of taking 'just' an operation, we use a bowl with that operation.

For the fruit salad bowl, we could define it as 'take some fruit-salad from Bowl A, combine it with a banana in Bowl B. -> repeat until bananas and fruit-salad are fully combined'.

This is called apply_with. Note that, because the part that changes more often is the Appliable with the (partially-applied) function (in other words: The bowl with the partially-made fruit salad), the parameters of this functions are the reverse of

In Other Environments

  • In Haskell, Appliable.apply_with is known by the uninformative name ap, often written as <$>.
  • In Category Theory, something that is Appliable is called an Apply.

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Applies appliable_with_function_inside, which should only contain functions, with as arguments the elements inside appliable_b.

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appliable(a) :: FunLand.adt(a)

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apply_with(appliable_with_function_inside, appliable_b)

Applies appliable_with_function_inside, which should only contain functions, with as arguments the elements inside appliable_b.

For a List, this means that the list(s) that are made by mapping each of the functions inside appliable_with_function_inside over the elements of appliable_b are concatenated, so a single list of all results is returned.

iex> [&(&1 + 1), &(&1 - 1)] |> FunLand.Appliable.apply_with([1, 2])
[2, 3, 0, 1]
iex> [Currying.curry(&+/2), Currying.curry(&-/2)] |> FunLand.Appliable.apply_with([10, 20]) |> FunLand.Appliable.apply_with([3,4])
[13, 14, 23, 24, 7, 6, 17, 16]

For Maybe, whenever one of the two arguments is Nothing, Nothing will be returned. If both are filled, then a result will be computed, and this result will be returned, wrapped in a new Maybe.


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apply_with(appliable, appliable)


apply_with(appliable((b -> c)), appliable(b)) :: appliable(c)
when b: any(), c: any()