Module fusco

Fast and Ultra Slim Connection Oriented HTTP Client.

Copyright © (C) 1999-2013, Erlang Solutions Ltd

Authors: Oscar Hellström (, Diana Parra Corbacho (, Ramon Lastres Guerrero (


Fast and Ultra Slim Connection Oriented HTTP Client

Function Index

connect/1Starts a Client.
disconnect/1Stops a Client.
handle_call/3This function fills in the Client record used in the requests and obtains the socket.
request/6Makes a request using a client already connected.
request/7Sends a request with a body.

Function Details


connect(Client) -> any()

Starts a Client.


disconnect(Client::pid()) -> ok

Stops a Client.


handle_call(X1, From, Client_state) -> any()

This function fills in the Client record used in the requests and obtains the socket.


init(X1) -> any()


request(Client::pid(), Path::iodata(), Method::method(), Hdrs::headers(), Body::iodata(), Timeout::pos_timeout()) -> result()

Makes a request using a client already connected.


request(Client, Path::Host, Method, Hdrs, Body::RequestBody, SendRetry::RetryCount, Timeout) -> Result

Sends a request with a body.

Instead of building and parsing URLs the target server is specified with a host, port, weither SSL should be used or not and a path on the server. For instance, if you want to request you would use the following:
Host = ""
Port = 80
Ssl = false
Path = "/foobar"
Path must begin with a forward slash /.

Method is either a string, stating the HTTP method exactly as in the protocol, i.e: "POST" or "GET". It could also be an atom, which is then coverted to an uppercase (if it isn't already) string.

Hdrs is a list of headers to send. Mandatory headers such as Host, Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding (for some requests) are added automatically.

Body is the entity to send in the request. Please don't include entity bodies where there shouldn't be any (such as for GET).

Timeout is the timeout for the request in milliseconds.

Options is a list of options.


{connect_timeout, Milliseconds} specifies how many milliseconds the client can spend trying to establish a connection to the server. This doesn't affect the overall request timeout. However, if it's longer than the overall timeout it will be ignored. Also note that the TCP layer my choose to give up earlier than the connect timeout, in which case the client will also give up. The default value is infinity, which means that it will either give up when the TCP stack gives up, or when the overall request timeout is reached.

{connect_options, Options} specifies options to pass to the socket at connect time. This makes it possible to specify both SSL options and regular socket options, such as which IP/Port to connect from etc. Some options must not be included here, namely the mode, binary or list, {active, boolean()}, {active, once} or {packet, Packet}. These options would confuse the client if they are included. Please note that these options will only have an effect on *new* connections, and it isn't possible for different requests to the same host uses different options unless the connection is closed between the requests. Using HTTP/1.0 or including the "Connection: close" header would make the client close the connection after the first response is received.

{send_retry, N} specifies how many times the client should retry sending a request if the connection is closed after the data has been sent. The default value is 1.

{proxy, ProxyUrl} if this option is specified, a proxy server is used as an intermediary for all communication with the destination server. The link to the proxy server is established with the HTTP CONNECT method (RFC2817). Example value: {proxy, ""}

{proxy_ssl_options, SslOptions} this is a list of SSL options to use for the SSL session created after the proxy connection is established. For a list of all available options, please check OTP's ssl module manpage.


start(Destination, Options) -> any()


start_link(Destination, Options) -> any()

Generated by EDoc, May 17 2017, 09:28:02.