API Reference gamora v0.13.0



Provides an Ueberauth strategy for authenticating with Amco.

This module wraps the functions to access IDP's endpoints.

Default Gamora cache implementation.

This module wraps common caching functions.

This module that allows to get, set and fetch introspection data in the cache in order to improve performance.

This module that allows to get, set and fetch user's claims in the cache in order to improve performance.

The error handler behaviour.

OAuth2 for Amco. Add :client_id and :client_secret to your configuration

This plug uses different adapters to validate the access token provider in the request. IdpAdapter will do that against the Identity Provider server. In test env you may want to use the MockAdapter to avoid making request to the IdP server while the tests are running.

This adapter is in charge to verify and validate the access token provided in the request against the OpenID Connect Provider. It will try to get the access token from headers for json requests, otherwise from cookies.

This adapter just returns the connection. The purpose of this module is to be used in test environment to avoid making request to the identity provider to authenticate users.

The user representation.