View Source GenLSP.Structures.SemanticTokensClientCapabilities (gen_lsp v0.10.0)

@since 3.16.0

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  • dynamic_registration: Whether implementation supports dynamic registration. If this is set to true the client supports the new (TextDocumentRegistrationOptions & StaticRegistrationOptions) return value for the corresponding server capability as well.

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@type t() :: %GenLSP.Structures.SemanticTokensClientCapabilities{
  augments_syntax_tokens: boolean() | nil,
  dynamic_registration: boolean() | nil,
  formats: [GenLSP.Enumerations.TokenFormat.t()],
  multiline_token_support: boolean() | nil,
  overlapping_token_support: boolean() | nil,
  requests: map(),
  server_cancel_support: boolean() | nil,
  token_modifiers: [String.t()],
  token_types: [String.t()]

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  • dynamic_registration: Whether implementation supports dynamic registration. If this is set to true the client supports the new (TextDocumentRegistrationOptions & StaticRegistrationOptions) return value for the corresponding server capability as well.

  • requests: Which requests the client supports and might send to the server depending on the server's capability. Please note that clients might not show semantic tokens or degrade some of the user experience if a range or full request is advertised by the client but not provided by the server. If for example the client capability requests.full and request.range are both set to true but the server only provides a range provider the client might not render a minimap correctly or might even decide to not show any semantic tokens at all.

  • token_types: The token types that the client supports.

  • token_modifiers: The token modifiers that the client supports.

  • formats: The token formats the clients supports.

  • overlapping_token_support: Whether the client supports tokens that can overlap each other.

  • multiline_token_support: Whether the client supports tokens that can span multiple lines.

  • server_cancel_support: Whether the client allows the server to actively cancel a semantic token request, e.g. supports returning LSPErrorCodes.ServerCancelled. If a server does the client needs to retrigger the request.

    @since 3.17.0

  • augments_syntax_tokens: Whether the client uses semantic tokens to augment existing syntax tokens. If set to true client side created syntax tokens and semantic tokens are both used for colorization. If set to false the client only uses the returned semantic tokens for colorization.

    If the value is undefined then the client behavior is not specified.

    @since 3.17.0