View Source GenLSP.Structures.WorkspaceSymbolClientCapabilities (gen_lsp v0.10.0)

Client capabilities for a {@link WorkspaceSymbolRequest}.

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  • dynamic_registration: Symbol request supports dynamic registration.

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@type t() :: %GenLSP.Structures.WorkspaceSymbolClientCapabilities{
  dynamic_registration: boolean() | nil,
  resolve_support: map() | nil,
  symbol_kind: map() | nil,
  tag_support: map() | nil

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  • dynamic_registration: Symbol request supports dynamic registration.

  • symbol_kind: Specific capabilities for the SymbolKind in the workspace/symbol request.

  • tag_support: The client supports tags on SymbolInformation. Clients supporting tags have to handle unknown tags gracefully.

    @since 3.16.0

  • resolve_support: The client support partial workspace symbols. The client will send the request workspaceSymbol/resolve to the server to resolve additional properties.

    @since 3.17.0