Module gen_pnet_iface

Callback function definitions for Petri net actor interface.

Copyright © 2016-2017 Jörgen Brandt

Version: 0.1.5

This module defines the gen_pnet_iface behaviour.
Required callback functions: code_change/3, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, init/1, terminate/2, trigger/3.

Authors: Jörgen Brandt (


Callback function definitions for Petri net actor interface.

In addition to the structure callback functions there are another seven callback functions that determine how the net instance appears as an Erlang actor to the outside world:


The code_change/3 function determines what happens when a hot code reload appears. This callback is identical to the code_change/3 function in the gen_server behavior.

  code_change( _OldVsn, NetState, _Extra ) -> {ok, NetState}.


The handle_call/3 function performs a synchronous exchange of messages between the caller and the net instance. The first argument is the request message, the second argument is a tuple identifying the caller, and the third argument is a #net_state{} record instance describing the current state of the net. The handle_call/3 function can generate a reply without changing the net marking by returning a {reply, Reply} tuple, it can generate a reply, consuming or producing tokens by returning a {reply, Reply, ConsumeMap, ProduceMap} tuple, it can defer replying without changing the net marking by returning noreply, it can defer replying, consuming or producing tokens by returning a {noreply, ConsumeMap, ProduceMap} tuple, or it can stop the net instance by returning {stop, Reason, Reply}.

  handle_call( insert_coin, _From, _NetState ) ->
    {reply, ok, #{}, #{ coin_slot => [coin] }};
  handle_call( remove_cookie_box, _From, NetState ) ->
    case gen_pnet:get_ls( compartment, NetState ) of
      []    -> {reply, {error, empty_compartment}};
      [_|_] -> {reply, ok, #{ compartment => [cookie_box] }, #{}}
  handle_call( _Request, _From, _NetState ) -> {reply, {error, bad_msg}}.

Here, we react to two kinds of messages: Inserting a coin in the coin slot and removing a cookie box from the compartment. Thus, we react to an insert_coin message by replying with ok, consuming nothing and producing a coin token on the coin_slot place. When receiving a remove_cookie_box message, we check whether the compartment place is empty, replying with an error message if it is, otherwise replying with ok, consuming one cookie_box token from the compartment place, and producing nothing. Calls that are neither insert_coin nor remove_cookie_box are responded to with an error message.


The handle_cast/2 function reacts to an asynchronous message received by the net instance. The first argument is the request while the second argument is a #net_state{} record instance. The handle_cast/2 function can either leave the net unchanged by returning noreply or it can consume or produce tokens by returning a {noreply, ConsumeMap, ProduceMap} tuple.

  handle_cast( _Request, _NetState ) -> noreply.

Here, we just ignore any cast.


The handle_info/2 function reacts to an asynchronous, unformatted message received by the net instance. The first argument is the message term while the second argument is a #net_state{} record instance. The handle_info/2 function can either leave the net unchanged by returning noreply or it can consume or produce tokens by returning a {noreply, ConsumeMap, ProduceMap} tuple.

  handle_info( _Request, _NetState ) -> noreply.

Here, we just ignore any message.


The init/1 function initializes the net instance. It is given a start argument term which is the start argument term that was provided with gen_pnet:start_link/n. As a return value a tuple of the form {ok, #net_state{}} is expected. We can construct it with the help of gen_pnet:new/2. This function takes two arguments: The module implementing the net structure callback functions as well as a user info field.

  init( _Args ) -> {ok, gen_pnet:new( ?MODULE, [] )}.

Here, we instantiate a #net_state{} record denoting the current module as the Petri net structure callback module and the empty list as the user-info field.


The terminate/2 function determines what happens when the net instance is stopped. The first argument is the reason for termination while the second argument is a #net_state{} record instance. This callback is identical to the terminate/2 function in the gen_server behavior.

  terminate( _Reason, _NetState ) -> ok.


The trigger/3 function determines what happens when a token is produced on a given place. Its first argument Place is the place name, its second argument Token is the token about to be produced, and its third argument NetState is the current state of the net. The trigger/3 function is expected to return either pass in which case the token is produced normally, or drop in which case the token is forgotten.

  trigger( _Place, _Token, _NetState ) -> pass.
Here, we simply let any token pass.

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