API Reference gen_smtp v1.2.0


Some functions for working with binary strings.
A simple SMTP client used for sending mail - assumes relaying via a smarthost.
Setup ranch socket acceptor for gen_smtp_server_session
Process representing a SMTP session, extensible via a callback module. This module is implemented as a behaviour that the callback module should implement. To see the details of the required callback functions to provide, please see smtp_server_example.

See also: smtp_server_example.

A module for decoding/encoding MIME 1.0 email. The encoder and decoder operate on the same data structure, which is as follows: A 5-tuple with the following elements: {Type, SubType, Headers, Parameters, Body}.

A simple example callback module for gen_smtp_server_session that also serves as documentation for the required callback API.
Facilitates transparent gen_tcp/ssl socket handling
Module with some general utility functions for SMTP.