gen_template_dino v0.1.7 GenTemplateDino

Dino Boilerplate

An opinionated template to create phoenix apps, using ecto and live view with tailwind.


You'll need to install the mix_templates and mix_generator packages by Dave Thomas

mix archive.install hex mix_templates
mix archive.install hex mix_generator


Install the gen_template_dino using the following command:

mix template.install hex gen_template_dino


Note: Since it depends on gen_template_dino, be sure override all files when the installer asks you. Otherwise, you need to add this configuration manually.

mix gen gen_template_dino project

Then go to into the project created and execute the following commands:

cd project && mix deps.get && npm i --prefix assets && mix phx.gen.cert -o priv/ssl/project

further details inside on the project

Please note you can easy remove the Example LiveView:

  • lib/project_web/live/example.ex remove this file
  • lib/project_web/templates/layout/app.html.eex remove the line with the pattern <%= *Web.Live.Example %>

Remember replace project with the name of your project.

If you want self-signed trusted certs (only-locally) use mkcert

Created: 2020-05-09

Link to this section Summary


Return the name or path of a template that this template is based upon. That template will be processed first, and then this one will be executed.

Override this function to do any cleanup after your template has been copied into the user project. One use of this is to remove unwanted files created by a template upon which this template is based.

Return the name of this template as an atom. This is the name passed to the gen command.

Return the list of options supported by this template.

Return the short description of this template, or nil.

Return the absolute path to the tree that is to be copied when instantiating this template. This top-level dir will typically just contain a directory called $APP_NAME$.

Link to this section Functions

Return the name or path of a template that this template is based upon. That template will be processed first, and then this one will be executed.

Link to this function


Override this function to do any cleanup after your template has been copied into the user project. One use of this is to remove unwanted files created by a template upon which this template is based.

Return the name of this template as an atom. This is the name passed to the gen command.

Return the list of options supported by this template.

Return the short description of this template, or nil.

Return the absolute path to the tree that is to be copied when instantiating this template. This top-level dir will typically just contain a directory called $APP_NAME$.