
Genex is a framework for writing Genetic Algorithms in Elixir. It provides methods and implementations for each step in a Genetic Algorithm.

Genetic Algorithms

A Genetic Algorithm is a search-based optimization technique based on the principles of Natural Selection and Evolution. Solutions are encoded as Chromosomes or Individuals with individual characteristics known as "genes."

A Genetic Algorithm typically starts with some initial population. This initial population represents a set of solutions or "guesses" to the problem. It then repeatedly applies a cycle of evolutionary operators on the population - producing newer generations of the population until some termination criteria is met.

The basic outline is:

  • Initialize Population
  • Evaluate Population
  • Apply Evolutionary Operators
  • Repeat Until Termination Criteria

Genex follows the same basic outline and exposes several helpful methods and configuration options to make writing Genetic Algorithms trivial.


  • Getting Started


To contribute a guide, please submit a pull request to the genex project on GitHub.