Geo.WKT (Geo v3.4.3) View Source

Converts to and from WKT and EWKT


iex> {:ok, point} = Geo.WKT.decode("POINT(30 -90)")
Geo.Point[coordinates: {30, -90}, srid: nil]

iex> Geo.WKT.encode!(point)
"POINT(30 -90)"

iex> point = Geo.WKT.decode!("SRID=4326;POINT(30 -90)")
Geo.Point[coordinates: {30, -90}, srid: 4326]

Link to this section Summary


Takes a WKT string and returns a Geo.geometry struct or list of Geo.geometry.

Takes a WKT string and returns a Geo.geometry struct or list of Geo.geometry.

Takes a Geometry and returns a WKT string.

Takes a Geometry and returns a WKT string.

Link to this section Functions


decode(binary()) :: {:ok, Geo.geometry()} | {:error, Exception.t()}

Takes a WKT string and returns a Geo.geometry struct or list of Geo.geometry.


decode!(binary()) :: Geo.geometry()

Takes a WKT string and returns a Geo.geometry struct or list of Geo.geometry.


encode(Geo.geometry()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, Exception.t()}

Takes a Geometry and returns a WKT string.


encode!(Geo.geometry()) :: binary()

Takes a Geometry and returns a WKT string.