View Source Geocoder.JSONCodec behaviour (geocoder v2.2.1)

Defines the specification for a JSON codec.

Geocoder supports the use of your favorite JSON codec provided it fulfills this specification. Jason fulfills this spec without modification, and is the default for now.

Other codecs:

  • Jason: Make sure to add the dependency to you mix.exs file

    {:jason, "~> 1.4"},

    In your config you would do:

      config :geocoder,
        json_codec: Jason
  • JSX: Make sure to add the dependency to you mix.exs file

      {:jsx, "~> 2.8 or ~> 3.0"},

    In your config you would do:

        config :geocoder,
        json_codec: Geocoder.JSON.JSX
  • Poison: Make sure to add the dependency to you mix.exs file

    {:poison, "~> 5.0"},

    In your config you would do:

      config :geocoder,
        json_codec: Poison

If you need another one that does not match the specification, see the contents of Geocoder.JSON.JSX for an example of an alternative implementation.




@callback decode(String.t()) :: {:ok, %{}} | {:error, %{}}


@callback decode!(String.t()) :: %{}


@callback encode(%{}) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, String.t()}


@callback encode!(%{}) :: String.t()