
Package Version Hex Docs

gleam add gjwt
import birl
import birl/duration
import gjwt.{add_claim, add_header, new, sign_off, verify, from_jwt}
import gjwt/claim.{expiration_time}
import gjwt/key.{from_string}
import gleam/dynamic
import gleam/io

pub fn main() {
  let key = from_string(
    // your key
    // method to use
  let token = new()
  |> add_header("funky", dynamic.from(True))
  |> add_claim(#("test", dynamic.from("This is a test!")))
  |> add_claim(expiration_time(birl.add(birl.now(), duration.seconds(15))))
    // convert to JWT
  |> sign_off(key)
  io.debug(token) // Have a look at it
  case verify(token, key) {
    True -> io.debug("Valid verified token!")
    False -> io.debug("Bad token") // you shouldn't get here in this example
  // attempt to parse the token
  case from_jwt(token, key) {
    Ok(verified_jwt) -> io.debug(verified_jwt)
    Error(_) -> io.debug("Bad token") // you shouldn't get here in this example

Further documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/gjwt.

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