
A module containing several helpful functions for computing and working with statistics.


A type used to represent the bins in a histogram. The type is an alias of a tuple containing a min/max range and a count of the values in that range.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam/pair
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // Create a bin
   let bin: stats.Bin = #(stats.Range(0., 1.), 999)
   // Retrieve min and max values
   let stats.Range(min, max) = pair.first(bin)
   |> should.equal(0.)
   |> should.equal(1.)
   // Retrieve count
   let count = pair.second(bin)
   |> should.equal(999)
pub type Bin =
  #(Range, Int)

A type used to represent a min/max interval. The Range type is among others used to represent the bin boundaries in a histogram.

 import gleam_stats/stats
 import gleeunit/should

 pub fn example () {
   // Create a range
   let range = stats.Range(0., 1.)
   // Retrieve min and max values
   let stats.Range(min, max) = range
   |> should.equal(0.)
   |> should.equal(1.)
pub type Range {
  Range(min: Float, max: Float)


  • Range(min: Float, max: Float)


pub fn allclose(xarr: List(Float), yarr: List(Float), rtol: Float, atol: Float) -> Result(

Determine if a list of values are close to or equivalent to a another list of reference values.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   let val: Float = 99.
   let ref_val: Float = 100.
   let xarr: List(Float) = list.repeat(val, 42)
   let yarr: List(Float) = list.repeat(ref_val, 42)
   // We set 'atol' and 'rtol' such that the values are equivalent
   // if 'val' is within 1 percent of 'ref_val' +/- 0.1
   let rtol: Float = 0.01
   let atol: Float = 0.10
   stats.allclose(xarr, yarr, rtol, atol)
   |> fn(zarr: Result(List(Bool), String)) -> Result(Bool, Nil) {
     case zarr {
       Ok(arr) ->
         |> list.all(fn(a: Bool) -> Bool { a })
         |> Ok
       _ -> Nil |> Error
   |> should.equal(Ok(True))
pub fn amax(arr: List(Float)) -> Result(Float, String)

Returns the maximum value of a list.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty lists returns an error
   |> stats.amax()
   |> should.be_error()

   // Valid input returns a result
   [4., 4., 3., 2., 1.]
   |> stats.amax()
   |> should.equal(Ok(4.))
pub fn amin(arr: List(Float)) -> Result(Float, String)

Returns the minimum value of a list.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty lists returns an error
   |> stats.amin()
   |> should.be_error()
   // Valid input returns a result
   [4., 4., 3., 2., 1.]
   |> stats.amin()
   |> should.equal(Ok(1.))
pub fn argmax(arr: List(Float)) -> Result(List(Int), String)

Returns the indices of the maximum values in a list.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty lists returns an error
   |> stats.argmax()
   |> should.be_error()
   // Valid input returns a result
   [4., 4., 3., 2., 1.]
   |> stats.argmax()
   |> should.equal(Ok([0, 1]))
pub fn argmin(arr: List(Float)) -> Result(List(Int), String)

Returns the indices of the minimum values in a list.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty lists returns an error
   |> stats.argmin()
   |> should.be_error()
   // Valid input returns a result
   [4., 4., 3., 2., 1.]
   |> stats.argmin()
   |> should.equal(Ok([4]))
pub fn correlation(xarr: List(Float), yarr: List(Float)) -> Result(

Calculate Pearson’s correlation coefficient to determine the linear relationship between the elements in two lists of equal length.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty lists returns an error
   stats.correlation([], [])
   |> should.be_error()
   // Lists with fewer than 2 elements return an error
   stats.correlation([1.0], [1.0])
   |> should.be_error()

   // Lists of uneqal length return an error
   stats.correlation([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1.0, 2.0])
   |> should.be_error()

   // Perfect positive correlation
   let xarr0: List(Float) =
     list.range(0, 100)
     |> Int) -> Float { int.to_float(x) })
   let yarr0: List(Float) =
     list.range(0, 100)
     |> Int) -> Float { int.to_float(x) })
   stats.correlation(xarr0, yarr0)
   |> should.equal(Ok(1.))
   // Perfect negative correlation
   let xarr0: List(Float) =
     list.range(0, 100)
     |> Int) -> Float { -1. *. int.to_float(x) })
   let yarr0: List(Float) =
     list.range(0, 100)
     |> Int) -> Float { int.to_float(x) })
   stats.correlation(xarr0, yarr0)
   |> should.equal(Ok(-1.))
pub fn freedman_diaconis_rule(arr: List(Float)) -> Result(

Use Freedman-Diaconis’s Rule to determine the bin widths of a histogram.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty list returns an error
   |> stats.freedman_diaconis_rule()
   |> should.be_error()
   // Calculate histogram bin widths
   list.range(0, 1000)
   |> Int) -> Float { int.to_float(x) })
   |> stats.freedman_diaconis_rule()
   |> should.equal(Ok(10.))
pub fn gmean(arr: List(Float)) -> Result(Float, String)

Calculcate the geometric mean of the elements in a list. Note: The geometric mean is only defined for positive numbers.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty list returns an error
   |> stats.gmean()
   |> should.be_error()

   // List with negative numbers returns an error
   [-1., -3., -6.]
   |> stats.gmean()
   |> should.be_error()

   // Valid input returns a result
   [1., 3., 9.]
   |> stats.gmean()
   |> should.equal(Ok(3.))
pub fn histogram(arr: List(Float), width: Float) -> Result(
  List(#(Range, Int)),

Create a histogram of the elements in a list.

 import gleam_stats/stats
 import gleeunit/should

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty lists returns an error
   |> stats.histogram(1.)
   |> should.be_error()

   // Create the bins of a histogram given a list of values
   list.range(0, 100)
   |> Int) -> Float { int.to_float(x) })
   // Below 25. is the bin width
   // The Freedman-Diaconis’s Rule can be used to determine a decent value
   |> stats.histogram(25.)
   |> should.equal(Ok([
     #(stats.Range(0., 25.), 25),
     #(stats.Range(25., 50.), 25),
     #(stats.Range(50., 75.), 25),
     #(stats.Range(75., 100.), 25),
pub fn hmean(arr: List(Float)) -> Result(Float, String)

Calculcate the harmonic mean of the elements in a list. Note: The harmonic mean is only defined for positive numbers.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty list returns an error
   |> stats.hmean()
   |> should.be_error()

   // List with negative numbers returns an error
   [-1., -3., -6.]
   |> stats.hmean()
   |> should.be_error()
   // Valid input returns a result
   [1., 3., 6.]
   |> stats.hmean()
   |> should.equal(Ok(2.))
pub fn iqr(arr: List(Float)) -> Result(Float, String)

Calculate the interquartile range (IQR) of the elements in a list.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty list returns an error
   |> stats.iqr()
   |> should.be_error()
   // Valid input returns a result
   [1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]
   |> stats.iqr()
   |> should.equal(Ok(3.))
pub fn isclose(a: Float, b: Float, rtol: Float, atol: Float) -> Bool

Determine if a given value is close to or equivalent to a reference value based on supplied relative and absolute tolerance values. The equivalance of the two given values are then determined based on the equation:

absolute(a - b) <= (atol + rtol * absolute(b))
 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   let val: Float = 99.
   let ref_val: Float = 100.
   // We set 'atol' and 'rtol' such that the values are equivalent
   // if 'val' is within 1 percent of 'ref_val' +/- 0.1
   let rtol: Float = 0.01
   let atol: Float = 0.10
   stats.isclose(val, ref_val, rtol, atol)
   |> should.be_true()
pub fn kurtosis(arr: List(Float)) -> Result(Float, String)

Calculcate the sample kurtosis of a list of elements using the definition of Fisher.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty list returns an error
   |> stats.skewness()
   |> should.be_error()
   // No tail 
   // -> Fisher's definition gives kurtosis -3 
   [1., 1., 1., 1.]
   |> stats.kurtosis()
   |> should.equal(Ok(-3.))
   // Distribution with a tail 
   // -> Higher kurtosis 
   [1., 1., 1., 2.]
   |> stats.kurtosis()
   |> fn(x: Result(Float, String)) -> Bool {
     case x {
       Ok(x) -> x >. -3.
       _ -> False
   |> should.be_true()
pub fn mean(arr: List(Float)) -> Result(Float, String)

Calculcate the arithmetic mean of the elements in a list.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty list returns an error
   |> stats.mean()
   |> should.be_error()

   // Valid input returns a result
   [1., 2., 3.]
   |> stats.mean()
   |> should.equal(Ok(2.))
pub fn median(arr: List(Float)) -> Result(Float, String)

Calculcate the median of the elements in a list.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty list returns an error
   |> stats.median()
   |> should.be_error()

   // Valid input returns a result
   [1., 2., 3.]
   |> stats.median()
   |> should.equal(Ok(2.))
   [1., 2., 3., 4.]
   |> stats.median()
   |> should.equal(Ok(2.5))
pub fn moment(arr: List(Float), n: Int) -> Result(Float, String)

Calculcate the n’th moment about the mean of a list of elements.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty list returns an error
   |> stats.moment(0)
   |> should.be_error()
   // 0th moment about the mean is 1. per definition
   [0., 1., 2., 3., 4.]
   |> stats.moment(0)
   |> should.equal(Ok(1.))
   // 1st moment about the mean is 0. per definition
   [0., 1., 2., 3., 4.]
   |> stats.moment(1)
   |> should.equal(Ok(0.))
   // 2nd moment about the mean
   [0., 1., 2., 3., 4.]
   |> stats.moment(2)
   |> should.equal(Ok(2.))
pub fn percentile(arr: List(Float), n: Int) -> Result(

Calculate the n’th percentile of the elements in a list using linear interpolation between closest ranks.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty list returns an error
   |> stats.percentile(40)
   |> should.be_error()
   // Calculate 40th percentile 
   [15., 20., 35., 40., 50.]
   |> stats.percentile(40)
   |> should.equal(Ok(29.))
pub fn skewness(arr: List(Float)) -> Result(Float, String)

Calculcate the sample skewness of a list of elements using the Fisher-Pearson coefficient of skewness.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty list returns an error
   |> stats.skewness()
   |> should.be_error()
   // No skewness 
   // -> Zero skewness
   [1., 2., 3., 4.]
   |> stats.skewness()
   |> should.equal(Ok(0.))
   // Right-skewed distribution 
   // -> Positive skewness
   [1., 1., 1., 2.]
   |> stats.skewness()
   |> fn(x: Result(Float, String)) -> Bool {
     case x {
       Ok(x) -> x >. 0.
       _ -> False
   |> should.be_true()
pub fn std(arr: List(Float), ddof: Int) -> Result(Float, String)

Calculcate the sample standard deviation of the elements in a list.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // Degrees of freedom
   let ddof: Int = 1
   // An empty list returns an error
   |> stats.std(ddof)
   |> should.be_error()
   // Valid input returns a result
   [1., 2., 3.]
   |> stats.std(ddof)
   |> should.equal(Ok(1.))
pub fn sum(arr: List(Float)) -> Float

Calculcate the sum of the elements in a list.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty list returns an error
   |> stats.sum()
   |> should.equal(0.)

   // Valid input returns a result
   [1., 2., 3.]
   |> stats.sum()
   |> should.equal(6.)
pub fn trim(arr: List(Float), min: Int, max: Int) -> Result(

Trim a list to a certain size given min/max indices. The min/max indices are inclusive.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty lists returns an error
   |> stats.trim(0, 0)
   |> should.be_error()
   // Trim the list to only the middle part of list
   [1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.]
   |> stats.trim(1, 4)
   |> should.equal(Ok([2., 3., 4., 5.]))
pub fn var(arr: List(Float), ddof: Int) -> Result(Float, String)

Calculcate the sample variance of the elements in a list.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // Degrees of freedom
   let ddof: Int = 1
   // An empty list returns an error
   |> stats.var(ddof)
   |> should.be_error()
   // Valid input returns a result
   [1., 2., 3.]
   |> stats.var(ddof)
   |> should.equal(Ok(1.))
pub fn zscore(arr: List(Float), ddof: Int) -> Result(

Calculate the z-score of each value in the list relative to the sample mean and standard deviation.

 import gleeunit/should
 import gleam_stats/stats

 pub fn example () {
   // An empty list returns an error
   // Use degrees of freedom = 1
   |> stats.zscore(1)
   |> should.be_error()
   [1., 2., 3.]
   // Use degrees of freedom = 1
   |> stats.zscore(1)
   |> should.equal(Ok([-1., 0., 1.]))