

pub type Exception {


  • Exited(Dynamic)
  • Thrown(Dynamic)
  • Errored(Dynamic)


pub fn compose(fun1: fn(a) -> b, fun2: fn(b) -> c) -> fn(a) -> c

Takes two functions and chains them together to form one function that takes the input from the first and returns the output of the second.

pub fn curry2(fun: fn(a, b) -> c) -> fn(a) -> fn(b) -> c

Takes a function with arity two and returns a curried equivalent. fn(a, b) -> c becomes fn(a) -> fn(b) -> c

pub fn curry3(
  fun: fn(a, b, c) -> d,
) -> fn(a) -> fn(b) -> fn(c) -> d

Takes a function with arity three and returns a curried equivalent. fn(a, b, c) -> d becomes fn(a) -> fn(b) -> fn(c) -> d

pub fn curry4(
  fun: fn(a, b, c, d) -> e,
) -> fn(a) -> fn(b) -> fn(c) -> fn(d) -> e

Takes a function with arity four and returns a curried equivalent.

pub fn curry5(
  fun: fn(a, b, c, d, e) -> f,
) -> fn(a) -> fn(b) -> fn(c) -> fn(d) -> fn(e) -> f

Takes a function with arity five and returns a curried equivalent.

pub fn curry6(
  fun: fn(a, b, c, d, e, f) -> g,
) -> fn(a) -> fn(b) -> fn(c) -> fn(d) -> fn(e) -> fn(f) -> g

Takes a function with arity six and returns a curried equivalent.

pub fn flip(fun: fn(a, b) -> c) -> fn(b, a) -> c

Takes a function that takes two arguments and returns a new function that takes the same two arguments, but in reverse order.

pub fn identity(x: a) -> a

A function that always returns its input value.

pub external fn rescue(fn() -> a) -> Result(a, Exception)

Gleam doesn’t offer any way to raise exceptions, but they may still occur due to bugs when working with unsafe code, such as when calling Erlang function.

This function will catch any error thrown and convert it into a result rather than crashing the process.